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koreanisches Militär besetzt Bauerndorf.. Korean military is occupying a farmers village

Drei Tage lang sind 1000de von Protestierenden beim Widerstand gegen die Ausweitung einer U.S. Basis mit der Polizei und Soldaten aneinandergeraten. Die Ausweitung des Camp Humphreys (K-6) ist Teil der US amerikanischen globalen Heerschau, dass der Vorgabe des neuen amerikanischen Zeitalters entspricht(PNAC), und von der Bush Regierung durchgesetzt wird, um die militärische Hegemonie in Nordostasien zu festigen.

Das nationale Verteidigungsministerium Koreas (MND) hat das Dorf Daechuri und die Umgebungsgebiete als militärisch geschützte Zone benannt, um einen Versuch zu machen, das Land als Eigentum der US Armee zu definieren. Bei einem Versuch, das eskalierende Chaos zu kontrollieren schickte das MND Truppen und Riot-Cops, um BewohnerInnen und politische AktivistInnen zu räumen, Häuser zu durchsuchen und Menschen im Vorbeigehen zu verhaften. Straßenblockaden aus Sandsäcken und Polizeibusse sind aufgestellt worden, um jede/n daran zu hindern, das Dorf zu betreten oder zu verlassen. Mindestens 400 Menschen sind seit Donnerstag verletzt und 524 verhaftet. Die drei Tage Gewalt haben Kritik der Polizeikräfte an der Räumung hervorgerufen. MenschenrechtsaktivistInnen beschrieben gegenüber der nationalen Polizei die Szenen als ein "Blutbad", und als "beschämende Momente" für die nationale Regierung.

Internationale Unterstützung wird dringend gebraucht | www.saveptfarmers.org | Neuigkeiten hier

Hintergründe: die Auseinandersetzung um Daechuri | Geschichte der US Militärbasen in Korea |1000de beteiligen sich am Widerstand gegen US Militärbasiserweiterung in Korea | Autonomieerklärung in Daechuri, Süd Korea | autonomes Dorf unter Belagerung von koreanischen Truppen | Neuigkeiten von der Belagerung

Fotos:: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Videos here

On May 4th, the MND made its fourth attempt to occupy the villages of Daechuri and Doduri and crush the resistance to U.S. military base expansion. At 5am riot police poured into the village from the adjacent army base. Some 100 protestors attempted to block their advance, but were beaten and pushed towards the school. Around 13,000 riot police, 1,500 hired 'workers' (notorious ex-military strikebreakers) and 2,000 Korean soldiers invaded the village and overran the fields. While the protesters were barricaded inside the school grounds, troops erected some 30 kilometers of triple strand 'Concertina wire' around the rice fields and set up military tents, toilet facilities and sandbag road blocks around the village. The riot police charged the school grounds, forcing protesters into the primary school. Shooting water cannons, throwing stones, and beating people with shields and batons, they swarmed across the lines of defense and into the school. After a massive battle for the first floor, protestors moved to the second floor, sitting with arms linked. Others occupied the roof of the school to prevent helicopters from deploying troops onto the roof. The riot police slowly made their way to the second floor and began removing and arresting the protestors, one by one.

Having cleared the primary school, the MND demolished the school and the playground. By nightfall, the primary school, the headquarters for organizing and the symbol of Daechuri's resistance, was a pile of smoldering rubble. The children's playground equipment lay mangled and blackened on the ground and surrounding trees were flattened. Over 400 people were arrested that day and hundreds injured.

On May 5th, several dozen elderly farmers and a handful of supporters gathered in a quiet vigil. Around one-hundred riot police marched through the village to arrest the remaining villagers. Their advance was halted by a few village women and some supporters who stood in front of the riot police shields, refusing to let them pass. After a tense standoff, the police relented.

Between 1,000 to 1,500 supporters marched across the fields, over the barbed wire fences and through the police roadblocks into the village. Gathering in the ruins of the primary school, they demonstrated through the village and upon reaching the fields, suddenly charged the barbed wire. Soldiers who were guarding the wire were taken by surprise and overwhelmed. Some people dismantled the fences, others tore apart the military tents and tossed the contents into the muddy fields. Riot police were sent to the scene and began arresting people. A several hour standoff ensued. As night fell, the protesters fled to seek shelter in the woods, abandoned homes, and farm sheds. Police began making door to door searches, and arrested anyone who they found on the streets. A military enforced curfew was declared for Daechuri and the surrounding areas. Anyone leaving their homes was subject to arrest. No one was allowed to enter or leave the village. Outrage at the actions of the police has sparked solidarity rallies in the capitol, Seoul. Over a thousand people demonstrated in solidarity on March 6th. International support is urgently needed.

Besides community displacement, other concerns of base expansion are the detrimental environmental impact of U.S. bases, the violent crimes committed by US troops stationed here, the massive issue of human trafficking and forced prostitution which surrounds the bases, the U.S.'s arrogant and aggressive foreign policy that threatens to derail Korean reunification and destabilize Northeast Asia, the undermining of local economies through Free Trade Agreements, and a variety of other issues of national sovereignty.

Daechuri is only one of many communities jeopardized by upcoming military realignment. Besides the expansion of Osan Airforce base and Camp Humphreys, Korean government and business investors have planned a massive development project that connect the two U.S. bases and supplement the influx of people. Named in various contexts an "International Peace City" and an "International Business City", this relatively unknown project will create even more displacement than the military base expansions.

Ergänze diesen Artikel

June 4th, 2006 International Day of Solidarity with the Daechuri Villagers

savePTfarmers.org 25.May.2006 12:03

June 4th, 2006 International Day of Solidarity with the Daechuri Villagers

Sunday, June 4th, 2006

In Korea, there will be demonstrations held in solidarity with the villagers of Daechuri and Doduri, who are being evicted to make way for the expansion of US military base, Camp Humphreys.

We are working to organize solidarity vigils around the world on this day.

If you can organize a vigil or demonstration against war and stand in solidarity with the villagers of Daechuri and Doduri on June 4th, please hold one in your area. Rally at the local Korean or US embassy or in front of a local news media outlet. Let them hear your voice!

E-mail us at savePTfarmers[at]yahoo.com and let us know how the vigil went in your area.

Thank you for your support.



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