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노 정부 vs 이주노조 #1


Since the establishment of the MTU in spring 2005 migrant workers in S. Korea and their supporters in labour unions, (left) political organizations, human right and civic groups are struggling against its (MTU's) oppression by the government (i.e. the MoJ, Immigration authority, police).
Now, short before the current gov't must give up its "power" (next month a new president will be elected), it seems that the Roh Moo-hyun administration wants to close the "MTU file" - by FORCE!(*) It - most likely - means that the gov't just wants to smash MTU by arresting (and deporting) the leading activists of the organization.

MWTV reported today about following latest alarming development: "In the midst of the increasing crackdown on migrant workers, MTU (Migrant Worker's Trade Union) President (Kajiman), Vice president (Raju) and General Secretary (Masum) were all arrested at 9:30 am this morning (November 27) in front of their homes/workplaces.  They were arrested without any formal charges and are being held at detention center in Cheongju.."

Kajiman, Raju and Masum in Cheongju Immigration Detention Center

(source: 이주노동자방송국, 11.27)

The fact that the arrested comrades were transfered to Cheongju - far away from Seoul, where the majority of MTU's activists and their supporters are based - proves that this may be a first - or "better" the final - deadly attack against the migrant workers' movement in S.K.


Detailed infos about it you can read here (in Korean): 

이주노조 위원장 까지만,서울지부장 라주 오늘 아침 표적 단속! (MTU)

출입국, 이주노조에 또 “표적 단속”했나 (참세상)

불법체류 ‘토끼몰이 단속’ 여전 (한겨레)

“이주노조에 대한 탄압에 저항하며 끝까지 싸울 것” (이주노동자방송국)

Solidarity statements:

대통령 선거전 첫날, 이주노조 임원 전원연행!

by 전국비정규노조연대회의

이주노동자 운동 지도자 구금과 추방 강력히 규탄한다!

by 민주노동당

노무현정부의 이주노동자 운동 와해 책동을 강력 규탄한다!

by 사회진보연대

까지만·라주·마숨 동지를 즉각 석방하라

by 다함께

* It must be a kind of political tradition(^^) in S.K.: Already in September 2002, on the eve of Kim Dae-jungs last days in the presidential office, the gov't confronted thousands of striking medical workers with massive, violent police attacks and mass arrestings...

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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