- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
Before y'day(5.16) the "Nat'l Workers Rally" - to mark the anniversary of the 1980 Gwangju Uprising, but also to defend labour rights/achieve better working conditions, higher wages etc.. - took place in Daejeon, S. Korea. At least 10,000 workers attended it. Among them about 7,000 organized cargo truck drivers. And while the Korean Cargo Transport Workers' Union announced at the same time that they will go soon on "general strike" the state "authorities" used the opporunity to show them how they intend to deal with the strike(*): thousands of riot cops were sent to attack the rally. But thousands of workers resisted during the following fierce street battles. Ultimately at least 150 union activists were injured and 476 arrested..
* The gov't said it will punish truckers who strike, and will consider severing fuel subsidies, suspending drivers’ licenses and banning future KCTWU/KCTU demonstrations, according to K. Herald and Hankyoreh.
Related reports, incl. many pictures:
☞ 화물연대 '총파업 만장일치 가결'노동과세계
☞ 연행자 수 460명 넘어.."경찰이 미친 것 같다"
☞ 457명 연행한 경찰 "민주노총 지도부 조기 검거"
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