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네팔. 인민전쟁/해방

Red flag over the Himalaya...


Before yesterday I got the possibility to join a meeting about the "People’s War", led by the CPN(M), organized by a German maoist group, which is a member of the so-called "World People’s Resistance Movement". But unfortunately I got nothing realy new to hear. The only what was new for me that the CPN(M)/PLA(People’s Liberation Army) until now "liberated", according to the adviser/speaker, 80 per cent of the entire country of Nepal. The royal government, again according to the adviser, has only control over some middle-sized and the main cities, such as Kathmandu, or Pokhara.


Daily royal army terror in the cities...


Unfortunately the speaker was not from Nepal, he was from the India-Nepal Solidarity forum and for me it was more that his "latest news" he had just from the media and the maoist propaganda (but even this, for us, who are not living in the near there, it is very hard to get...).

But anyway... according to the speaker the new "rulers" of the majority of the country, the CPN(M) and the People’s Committees(PC) in the last years were creating/establishing in the "75 liberated districts, which are complete independent from the central government in Kathmandu", 9 autonomous regions were mainly the national minorities are ruling. He also saig that the CPN(M) and the PC were establishing a "provisionally government" which could get the power in the "next few month, if there will be no intervention by the US-Imperialists, the British or India.."




What was very interesting: 30 per cent of the fighters in the PLA and the militia/guerilla are female(actually even in one contibution of National Geographic, I uploaded it several weeks ago, they said the same).




According to the speaker the Royal Nepalese Army has about 100,000 troops and the PLA and the revolutionary militia/guerilla about 150,000..




"At any time, if CPN(M) want, they can take the power in the country", but right now they try to get an alliance with the(former) parliamentarian parties("but they are all discredited, including the CPN/UML", so the speaker, because "they are representing just the bourgoisie and the feudal land lords") to struggle for a constitutionally assambly to remove the monarchy. But "of course the party of the monarchy will be also a part in this process...". "And when they can convince the people that the monarchy is the best for them... the CPN(M) will accept this result", so the speaker...(???)

But the major part of the meeting was just low maoist propaganda, what you could hear even 30 years ago from any of this parties/groups.

What was very precariously: The speaker and the organizers said that "every movement which is weaken the US-Imperialists" are natural supporters of the "People’s War", including the "fighters in Kashmir, Checheniya, Iraq and Palestine – the fighters of the Jihad"... Actually I really can’t believe, because what has a maoist("communist", if it has the aim of communism...) to do with the Jihad???

But anyway, let’s see what will bring the near future! And..








Latest news by GEFONT(http://www.gefont.org General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions)


Big Clashes of Demonstrators and Police, about 300 arrested deliberate attack on human right observer and journalists (1.22)


The alliance of seven political parties in Nepal continued a protests and demonstration in New Road and Basantapur, inner core city of Kathmandu to defy the restriction of Government on political activities inside the Ring Road.

Because of Friday's protest program was foiled by the curfew, the alliance of seven political parties organized huge protest rallies in Kathmandu on Saturday. The police intervened the mass meeting at Basantapur as thousands converged at the venue for the gathering. Dozens of demonstrators were injured along with some policemen in the clash that took place after the police intervention on the demonstration. Dozens of leaders and activists were arrested during the demonstration.

Thousands of demonstrators participated in the demonstration led by the trade union and student leaders and went around the city, defying the prohibitory orders in the course of tight security deployed in the capital. Police charged the demonstrators with baton and fired many shells of tear gas to disperse the crowd in New road and Basantapur. Security was tightened within whole new road and Basantapur area. Armed Police Force also deployed to take situation under control and the Royal Nepalese Army was also deployed due to extensive participation of the demonstrators.

Meanwhile, Human Rights Observer, Bijay Kumar Son was kicked deliberately by police while he was trying to protect a passerby being beaten by police. Likewise, HR Observer, Bimal Raj Giri from INSEC and Sabin Nepal from Human Rights- Alliance were also beaten by police with the baton. Few journalists were also manhandled by security personnel, while collecting information. As a consequence, Human Rights Observers and Journalists, nearby, protested against misbehavior of police. However, police - in charge made an apology.

The demonstration area of the city remained tensed in a clash between police and political activists, trade union activists, students and leaders. Sloganeering against monarchy and urging for complete democracy continued despite police repression.

Similarly, 'Democratic Creators' (Loktantrik Shrastha) organized a program at Baneshwor yesterday to strengthen movements declared by political parties against municipal election announced the royal regime in the country.

The poets from 'Democratic Creators' were also arrested, as they started to recite the poems.



The Nepalese bourgeois Kathmandu Post is/was writing following about the current situation(AS YOU CAN SEE: THERE IS A WAR - the governement against every kind of resistance - GOING ON!!!):


Soldiers fire warning shots in Chitwan

CHITWAN, Jan 23 - Royal Nepalese Army soldiers Monday evening fired 11 rounds into the air during a blackout programme organized by the student wings affiliated to the seven-party alliance at Narayanghat, Chitwan to protest the government crackdown on political parties.

According to the students the soldiers began firing when the students requested vehicles plying in the Sahid Chowk and Lion Chowk areas to switch off the headlights at around 7:30 in the evening.

Protesting the incident, the students issuing a press release, have called for a shut down of all educational institutions in the Bharatpur areas for Tuesday.


Curfew in Kathmandu from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m.

KATHMANDU, Jan 22 - The existing curfew in the areas within the Ring Road of Kathmandu metropolis and Lalitpur Sub-metropolis will now be effective from 11:00 PM to 4:00 a.mm from Sunday.

This is stated in separate notices issued today by the CDOs of Kathmandu and Lalitpur.

Prior to this, the curfew in the areas was effective from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.

Meanwhile, Bhaktapur District Administration Office has continued the curfew order effective in various parts of the district since January 18.

The curfew from 9:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. applies to the area from Sanga Bhanjyang to Palanse, Nalinchowk, Jagati, Surya Binayak, Sallaghari, Shankadhar chowk Thimi, Gatthaghar, Kaushaltar and Lohakinthali in the east and the Araniko highway area up to the Manahara bridge in the East. It will remain effective until further notice, it is stated.



Li Onesto, "Reports from the People's War in Nepal"







And very strange stuff(definetely from the other side of the barricade) here:













Al-Jazeera reported following y'day:

Violent clashes in Nepal


NepalNews reported this:

Maoists attack Nepalgunj, Heavy fighing continues


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