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게시물에서 찾기2008/03

28개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2008/03/20
    3.23(日) 안산: 문화제
    no chr.!
  2. 2008/03/20
    티베트 ‘반란’..
    no chr.!
  3. 2008/03/19
    티베트/코소보.. #2
    no chr.!
  4. 2008/03/18
    티베트/코소보.. #1
    no chr.!
  5. 2008/03/17
    [3.15] MTU연대의 밤
    no chr.!
  6. 2008/03/16
    미라이: 1968年3月16日
    no chr.!
  7. 2008/03/14
    3.15(土): MTU연대의밤
    no chr.!
  8. 2008/03/13
    평양 '뉴스' #3
    no chr.!
  9. 2008/03/12
    코스콤 파업/李정부..
    no chr.!
  10. 2008/03/11
    [3.11]코스콤 파업투쟁..
    no chr.!

3.23(日) 안산: 문화제




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

티베트 ‘반란’..

Despite the warning of the Dalai Lama to resign as "political leader" (BTW, who elected him as a "political leader"???) the Tibetan ethnic motivated/racist riots, better said attempted pogroms (aka "protests for peace and independence", according to "activists" in S. Korea), are continuing and spreading now to (other) Chinese provinces/towns. For example in Gansu: Here hundreds of horsemen stormed a un-named town (please check out: Protesters storm Chinese town, CNN) - it was looking like bad copy of the Mongolian invasion in the 13th century - and tried to attack schools, police stations and other gov't buildings. The cops used teargas to chase away the rioters, according to the Canadian TV (CTV).

And untill today the int'l media has no (documented) evidence of "brutal violence" used by the Chinese "security" forces. Just check out the stuff of CNN, for example (and they are not using Chinese state propaganda!!). Today's German (bourgeois) daily newspaper Berliner Zeitung wrote on its 2nd page that there is complete no evidence what would "support the thesis of massive and brutal violence used by the Chinese police and military". But, the article continued,  "there are several evidences by independent eye-witnesses that the Tibetan so-called uprising last week turned into ethnic motivated/racist riots".

Oops.. but only two pages later the same newspaper published following cartoon (likely as a proof of its "independent journalism"^^):



Documented evidences (but not by the Chinese state media!!):

Tourist films Tibet riots (CNN video, 3. 19/14)


Yesterday's "protest" in Seoul against the "Chinese occupation of Tibet" (i.e. to demand the establishment of a new Tibetan feudal theocracy):

[3.18] The Tibet Rally (pics) (다함께)

[3.18] The Tibet Rally (video) (MWTV)

Today's latest news: "UK: 'China ready to talk to Dalai Lama'" (CNN) But - possibly - it makes no sense anymore, because the "protestors" - likely - don't listen to him (the Dalai Lama) anymore..

Dalai Lama 'powerless' to stop protests (CNN)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

티베트/코소보.. #2

It's really "impressive"(??) to learn how "objective" the int'l media is reporting about and commenting the latest developments in Tibet and in Kosovo/Kosova.

Especially before y'day in almost all leading newspapers (for example here in Germany), on the font pages we had to read in huge letters about the "Chinese state terror against peaceful Tibetan protestors", "Massacre in Lhasa!", "Genocide against the Tibetans!" and more strange stuff like that.

As far as I know.. this is the only picture of "Chinese State Terror" against last

weekend's "protests" in Lhasa..

Almost at the same time it was reported that "Serbian nationalist gangs in Mitrovica attacked with extreme criminal violence indepence of Kosovo", "UN police was forced to withdraw, NATO tanks took over the power".

But what was/is the difference? First of all: the Tibetan "protesters" are fighting against the Chinese gov't - in fact since several years THE rival power for the West.

The Serbian "protestors" are fighting against "our own"(the western) power - the NATO (for the Serbs in Kosovo the NATO military and the UN police are occupation forces).

But in fact both - the Tibetans (of course not all!! likely only a minority..) and the Serbs in Kosovo - want the same: National Liberated Zones, without any "aliens"!

"A witness said Chinese drivers were carried from vehicles with bloodied faces after being beaten by angry youths.

Reports claimed that several people, possibly including a Chinese teenage girl, had been killed and dozens seriously wounded in the clashes. Protesters were also said to have burned down a mosque and the Tromzikhang market, smashed up a government telecommunications office, attacked hotels and looted Chinese shops." (Guardian/UK, 3.15)

"A western tourist reported to BBC that Tibetans directed their attacks directly against "Chinese" (especially Han Chinese but also Hui, a muslim minority) shops, hotels and restaurants and killed the owners. The city center is almost burned down", according to today's German daily newspaper Berliner Zeitung. The same newspaper reported today that in Lhasa at least 300 houses were burned down, schools and even hospitals were attacked by the "protestors".

But, finally, really stunning is the almost complete unified "public opinion" in connection with the developments in Tibet: From the far right - German neo-Nazis(fascists) - to the "left", for example S. Korean "socialists" (All Together/다함께): They all supporting a "Free Tibet" (Imagine a "free Tibet" without the "Chinese" security forces! Let's say, tomorrow China would give up its sovereignity over Tibet.. After the experiences of the last days it would - very likely - lead to a great massacre of all non-Tibetans!) - a new "National Liberated Zone". (*)

Latest news:
"The Dalai Lama will step down as leader of Tibet's government-in-exile if violence by protesters in the region continues, the exiled spiritual leader said Tuesday." (CNN, 3.18)



* Since the end of the GDR/the fall of the Wall German fascists are struggling to create "National Liberated Zones", under the motto Germany (only!!) for the Germans. THE main slogan for the Tibetan "freedom activists": "Tibet for the Tibetans!" (surprise, surprise!!)





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

티베트/코소보.. #1

Last Weekend in Lhasa (Tibet):








Last Sunday in Mitrovica (Kosovo):










진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[3.15] MTU연대의 밤

The S. Korean workers' movement has a short, but very impressive tradition. One of the most impressive and beautiful (beside the street battles..) events: the annual Solidarity Night, organized by almost all labour unions and (progressive) resistance organisations with the aim to come together with the solidarity groups, celebrating the struggle of the outgoing year and (last but not least) to raise funds for the coming struggle.

Before y'day (3.15) MTU had its Solidarity Night in Seoul. And it was a really great success! Almost in advance the event was supported by at least 40 organisations: labour unions, leftwing political parties, solidarity groups and progressive resistance orgainsations. And finally (at least) hundreds of (mainly Korean) activists celebrated/enjoyed the event!!




Related video pieces:

MTU's Solidarity Night #1

MTU's Solidarity Night #2

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

미라이: 1968年3月16日


Today, 40 years ago the U.S. Army - on its way to bring "demorcacy and freedom" to Vietnam (respectively to "secure the free world against the communism") comitted the Massacre in My Lai, where roughly 500 unarmed civilians - old people, young women and children - were murdered!!! And "America's Struggle For Freedom" (Der Spiegel, 1967) was supported by all the NATO states (from Canada to Germany) but also by all the other "freedom-loving" countries like Turkey, S. Africa, Indonesia, Taiwan, S. Korea...


The result of the struggle for "Democracy and Freedom" in My Lai:





For more please read Seymour M. Hersh's articles about..

The My Lai Massacre


INTO THE DARK: The My Lai Massacre (by M. Gado)

My Lai Massacre ("education" video)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

3.15(土): MTU연대의밤




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

평양 '뉴스' #3

Today actually I wanted to bring here another Chinese joke about the "DPR"K but it seems that the "real life" has to offer us enough "jokes".. Just "enjoy"(*) following story in Korea Times' newest edition:

Round of Golf in Pyongyang in Sight

South Koreans may be able to play golf in North Korea as early as June, with a travel agency preparing a golf tour package to Pyongyang.

PyeongHwa(**) Air Travel Agency said Thursday that discussion is underway with the North Korean authorities to launch the golf tour in June and a visit to the mass gymnastic show Arirang in August.

``We are discussing the programs with the North and need to get the Unification Ministry's approval,'' Park Se-jin, a director of the agency, said.

The agency was set up in 2003 by the head of Pyeonghwa Motors, a North Korea-based automaker jointly run by businessmen from the two Koreas. It has provided South Korean citizens with exclusive travel programs to Pyongyang ― about 1,000 visitors in September and October in 2003, and 1,200 in October 2005.

The trips were suspended due to flooding in the North and the nuclear crisis.

``We plan to operate a pilot tour in June. So far there have been no golf trips to the North, so we need to try it and polish the tour program. We also plan to include the Arirang performance in the program starting August when the performance begins,'' Park said.

The program is likely to include one-night accommodation, a round of golf, and a trip to downtown Pyongyang, with the Arirang performance being added to the list in August. ``The golf course is 6,890 yards long. Unlike golf trips to China or Southeast Asia, tourists may not be able to play golf there all day long, and so they may want to go sightseeing around the city,'' Park said.

It has yet to fix the price of the package. The agency's previous programs to Pyongyang cost 1.1 million won ($1,120).

The agency has sent letters introducing its trip plan to people who previously visited Pyongyang through the agency, and 3,000 people have already applied for the special tour, Park said.

Charter flights will be used between Seoul's Gimpo Airport to Pyongyang's Sunan Airport. Korean Air, Asiana Airlines, or North Korea's Air Koryo may carry the tourists...



* Well, I know.. It's not funny, not really!!
** The Pyeonghwa Group is in the ownership of the Unification Church (통일교회), aka the Moon Sect.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

코스콤 파업/李정부..

3.11: The bloody attack against the Koscom strike..




As I wrote y'day, the new Lee administration promised a policy of "law and order" (in connection with the struggle of the working class)..
But includes this promise also the new kind of freedom of the press?

Not even 24 hour ago the Internet edition of Korea Herald published the article "Raid on Koscom union sit-in may spur spring labor strife". And in my opinion it was a (at least) somewhat objective report about what was happen yesterday morning (the bloody attack against the striking Koscom workers).

But now - surprise, surprise - the content of the article disapeared! Only the headline "Raid on Koscom union sit-in may spur spring labor strife" remained(*).. And instead of the original content of the article we've now to learn that "Police suspect a debt-ridden former pro-baseball player killed his lover and her daughters after taking 170 million won.."

Once again: What a surprise!(??)

BTW.. we should believe Lee MB's promise for a new "law and order" policy! I think that he - definetely - will carry out what he was/is promising!

* Just check out:
-> Korea Herald
-> National
-> Raid on Koscom union sit-in may.. (2008.03.12)


Finaly only one S.K. newspaper (published in English) reported about the brutal attack against the Koscom strike - the "left"-liberal Hankyoreh:

District officials forcibly remove union members from demonstration site

Trumping labor with the law

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[3.11]코스콤 파업투쟁..

Well, already before his election as the S.K. president Lee Myung-bak promised a policy of "law and order" in connection with the struggle of the working class..

Today, for the first time since Lee MB is in "power", the ruling class gave an impressive - but not really surprising - example how they want to "solve" problems between the exploited class and expoliting class.

Since 182 days irregular workers of KOSCOM are in strike to achieve better working conditions, payment and - most important - the status of regular contracted workers.

But today in the early morning, despite the labour unions' repeated demand for dialog KOSCOM's leadership decided to use violence to break up the strike. 150 contracted gang members, hired by KOSCOM and supported by at least 600 (!!) riot cops raided the strikers struggle place (opposite of KOSCOM's headquarter in Yeouido/Seoul). Several labour activists were bloody beaten up and the strike tents complete destoyed...








More about today's bloody attack:

코스콤 농성장, 새벽 6시 강제 철거 (VoP)

누가 철거의 대상입니까! (참세상TV)

코스콤 비정규직 노조 농성장 강제철거 (OhmyTV)

Related articles:

“..Koscom union’s joint rally swept Yoido area all day” (global union, 2.11)

2008: "Law and Order" Against Labour Rights (1.07)

For more about the struggle:

전국 사무 금융 노동 조합 연맹



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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