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게시물에서 찾기2008/04

26개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2008/04/07
    루마니아: 파업투쟁
    no chr.!
  2. 2008/04/06
    전철연 용산4가 철대위..
    no chr.!
  3. 2008/04/04
    한반도 '평화' #2
    no chr.!
  4. 2008/04/03
    주체사상 만세! #2
    no chr.!
  5. 2008/04/02
    no chr.!
  6. 2008/04/01
    미친 경찰/李정부
    no chr.!

루마니아: 파업투쟁


That's the main slogan of thousands of workers in the Romanian town Pitesi where they were producing the Dacia, Europe's cheapest car. But now, since almost two weeks, nothing is going on anymore because 9,500 workers are in strike.

While Dacia, a part of the French Renault Group, makes every year massive profits (in 2007: 150 Million Euro), the workers and their families must struggle to survive with only 160 to 280 Euro per month. But the price for the average monthly live in Romania is at least 300 Euro.. and the prices are increasing monthly!

That's the reason why the Dacia workers are striking. They are demanding an increase of 550 lei (€150) per month (the management is offering only 67 Euro), a share of company profits, higher bonuses at Christmas and a discount on cars produced at the factory.

The management of Dacia/Renault is offering now 67 Euro more per month. But for the striking workers - of course - that's just a provocation...

But while the Dacia workers are in strike - and many people in Romania call it a small revolution (the strike is the first main walkout in Romania since 20 years) Dacia has nothing better to do as to broadcast following strange advertisement in the TV:

"Revolution - The New Dacia Logan.."


Video: Dacia Strike, Demo in Pitesti (EuroNews, 3.27)

Strike at Dacia Renault factory ("socialist" world, 3.29)

Auf der Aufholspur (Tagesspiegel, 4.05)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

전철연 용산4가 철대위..


이명박정권이 들어서면서 가속도가 붙은 개발로 인해
가난한 노동자들이 길바닥으로 내쫒겨나는 일이 더욱 비일비재해진
현시점에서 "용산4철거민대책위원회"는
"투쟁만이 살길이다! 투쟁으로 주거생존권 쟁취하자"는 결의로
..4월 3일 용산4구역내에서 시민들에게 알려내는
거리행진과 선전전을 시작으로 주거의 권리와 생존의 권리를 위해
투쟁을 선포하는 현판식을 진행하였습니다.

함께 해주신 전국빈민연합, 이랜드 일반노조, 이주노조,
들꽃, 지민주, 고대 돌개바람동지 등 많은 연대단위동지들과
전국의 철거민동지들께 감사드립니다.
반드시 개발악법 박살내고 민중주거생존권쟁취를 위해
끝까지 투쟁하겠습니다. 투쟁!!

-투쟁하는 철거민이 철거에서 해방된다!!

-투쟁없이 쟁취없다 투쟁으로 쟁취하자!!

-용산4철대위 선봉투쟁 전철연 연대투쟁 자본가정권 박살내자!!





Related contributions:

용산4철대위 현판식을 시작으로 강고한 투쟁 결의 (전철연)

전철연 용산4가 철대위 발대식에서 (이주노조)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

한반도 '평화' #2

Here's just a short summary about the latest developments on the Korean Peninsula (to keep "peace and mutual understanding":

Two Koreas argue over warships (al-Jazeera, 4.04) 
North Korea has accused South Korean warships of infiltrating its territorial waters, warning of "unpredictable countermeasures" amid increasing hostility on the peninsula.

The North's navy command late on Thursday said three warships had entered its waters in a "serious military provocation", claims dismissed by South Korea's defence ministry.

Pyongyang has made a string of hostile gestures since Lee Myung-bak, the South Korean president, took office in February pledging to take a harder line with the North.

The charges came as a US general nominated to head the allied forces in South Korea said Seoul was lacking in missile defences.

North Korea has announced the suspension of all dialogue and the closing of its border to South Korean officials as both sides continued to trade barbs.

Earlier this week, the South Korean president was labelled a "conservative political charlatan", "traitor" and US "sycophant" for his tougher policies on the North, which includes linking aid to nuclear disarmament.

Aside from the rhetoric, Pyongyang has test-fired missiles in the past few days and, last week, accused South Korean ships of breaching a disputed sea border.
Analysts say the North may stage more missile tests, or naval manoeuvres near the disputed Yellow Sea border – the scene of bloody clashes in 1999 and 2002.

The North's hostile reaction came after Seoul refused to apologise for recent remarks by its military commander which the North interpreted as authorising a pre-emptive military strike.

Lee's predecessors had practiced a "sunshine" policy of engagement, under which aid and investment worth billions of dollars flowed into the North.

On Thursday, Lieutenant-General Walter Sharp told senators in Washington that South Korea lacked adequate anti-missile defences to counter a missile threat from the North.

Sharp, in a written response to the Senate Armed Services committee, said Pyongyang had 13,000 artillery systems and 800 missiles.

North Korea had 250 long-range artillery systems capable of reaching Seoul, he said.

"North Korea still has the capacity to inflict major destruction and significant military and civilian casualties in South Korea with little to no warning," he wrote.

South Korea's defence ministry had said the North was deliberately misinterpreting Seoul's objectives and remarks by its officials and told Pyongyang to stop its verbal attacks on Lee.

But Pyongyang continued with its rhetoric, accusing Seoul of driving inter-Korean relations to "catastrophe".

Lee has said that South Korean aid to the impoverished North will no longer be given unconditionally.
In a marked change from previous administrations he has also said that his government will not shy away from criticising Pyongyang's human-rights abuses.  


Related stuff:

"North Korea said yesterday it would take 'military countermeasures' against what it called belligerent remarks by South Korea." (Korea Herald, 4.04) 

Criticizing President Lee, What is Its Tactic? (DailyNK, 4.04)

Renewed urgency to rein in North Korea (Asia Times, 4.04)

《남조선당국이 반북대결로 얻을것은 파멸뿐이다》-리명박《정권》 (로동신문, 4.01)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

주체사상 만세! #2

"Like we did in the past, we can survive without south Korea!!" (Rodong Shinmun wrote before y'day in connection to the current N-S trouble)

Yeah, exactly, as we can see it here:

Preparing the spring farming season 2008 ("collective farm" in Hamgyeong buk-do)

Well, likely we missed something: Possibly some days ago Kim Jong-il introduced the N.K. style GLASNOST, the KWP was liquidated and Rodong Shinmun, the former KWP central newspaper, turned into a satirical magazine.. or whatever..^^

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


About two weeks ago (3.16) the New "Progressive" Party (NPP/진보신당) was officially established in SK. Here you can read the first articles about the new party:

NPP's Manifesto on N.K. Human Rights (DailyNK, 3.31)

New Progressive Party (NPP), which is a South Korea's new party and separated themselves from Democratic Labor Party over “pro-North Korean attitude (or pro-Kim Jong Ii),” released its manifesto on North Korean human rights policy, which includes “humanitarian solution of abductees and POWs held in North Korea” and “establishment of inter-Korean human rights negotiation channel.” The movement marks a great leap forward compared to Democratic Labor Party’s stance on North Korean human rights.

The core of NPP’s North Korean policy also includes an “inter-Korean agreement on labor condition,” construction of silver town for the divided families in tourist zones” and “regular reunion of the divided families”

NPP added, in statement, that “in contrast with the DLP, which showed only ignorance and silence to North Korean human rights violation, the NPP declares commitment to improve North Korea’s human rights condition”, and “the new progressive movement will start with criticizing North Korea if necessary.”

An NPP official told Daily NK, on condition of anonymity, that “The new manifesto doesn’t contain any new policy. But, we need to reaffirm our North Korean policy because of recent developments in inter-Korean relations (North Korea Silkworm missile launch and etc.).”

When asked why having been silent on North Korea human rights violation while a member of DLP, the NPP official argued for necessity of the unified Left at that time.

“Democratic Labor Party elected ten National Assembly legislators in 2004 for the first time ever, and then experienced a surge of party membership. The surge, however, was due to mass application of membership by pro-North Korea National Liberation faction or its sympathizers. And it caused alienation of the party leadership from public opinion,” said the official.

Nevertheless, he criticized the Lee Myung Bak Administration’s and the United States’ “North Korean human rights policy, which emphasizes strategic concern rather than practical human rights improvement in North Korea.”

“For example,” he added “inter-Korean Labor Convention symbolizes NPP’s principle that signifies ‘North and South Korean people and laborers,’ rather than the reigning governments of both.”



Progressives launch new party (Hankyoreh, 3.17)

With less than a month to go before the National Assembly election, the New Progressive Party was officially launched yesterday, as it promised to “redirect the vales of the 21st century toward the progressive bloc.” The members of the newly-formed party bolted from the Democratic Labor Party after the presidential election following an internal feud. Political observers wonder whether the party’s candidates will have enough time to campaign and how the newly-created party will fare in the April 9 elections.

In addition to announcing its formation, the NPP also released its list of candidates for seats up for grabs under the system of proportional representation. The first and second seats were given to Park Kim Young-hee, an activist who advocates for the rights of physically challenged women, and Lee Nam-shin, a former leader of E-Land’s labor union. Also included on the list were Pi Woo-jin, a former lieutenant colonel who is in the process of fighting a legal battle against the government, alleging that she was fired due to her breast cancer surgery, and Kim Seok-joon, a professor and the co-chairman of the NPP. The party is also fielding candidates with diverse backgrounds that include lawyers, civic and labor activists.

Sim Sang-jeong, the director of the NPP, said, “People want us to set up a progressive opposition party that can act as a strong and trusted counterbalance against the Lee Myung-bak administration, which has devastated people’s livelihoods. We will establish a party that can win the parliamentary election this time and give renewed hope to workers and ordinary people."

The new party’s objectives include building peace, a social coalition and a green nation. It is also pushing for the establishment of stability on the Korean Peninsula, assisting small- and medium-sized businesses and the resolution of many other issues related to the welfare of workers and socially-underprivileged people.

As it braces for the upcoming elections, the NPP seems to be trying to differentiate itself from the Democratic Labor Party, from which it broke last month. The feud between the party’s two main factions pitted the National Liberty faction, which places more emphasis on North Korea issues, against the People’s Democracy faction, which was more concerned with labor and other social issues and which has now become the NPP.

At the forefront of the NPP’s leadership are Sim Sang-jeong and Roh Hoe-chan, two high-profile former lawmakers who are expected to wage a fierce battle against the candidates of the ruling Grand National Party in the Seoul metropolitan area. Such popular figures as actress Kim Bu-soen, and cultural critic Chin Jung-kwon, will take up the work of promoting the party, while 12 of those running for proportional representation seats will appeal to voters.

Still, political observers have cast doubt over the NPP’s ability to gain a “meaningful number of seats in the election.” With the election just 20 days away, they worry that the party does not have an enough time to get its message across and appeal to voters. The number of candidates who will campaign in districts across the country was also reduced to 30, from the originally-planned 50. Even party insiders say that they are facing one of the worst situations ever.

A key party official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said, “In the end, the NPP should compete in the elections by appealing to voters with two such high-profile former lawmakers as Sim and Roh. If voters in Seoul give more weight to the balance factor, the two could likely win.” The official’s comments refer to what many see as the primary platform of the opposition United Democratic Party, which currently has the majority of seats in the National Assembly. The UDP says that its candidates, if elected will serve as a means of balancing government authority by keeping the president and his party, the GNP, in check. The GNP, meanwhile, is hoping that the idea of maintaining government stability via the election of its candidates will be what brings voters to its side.

The party official added, “Whatever it may cost, we will produce winners, making it a starting point for establishing a real progressive party.”



Related stuff:


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

미친 경찰/李정부

In ancient East Asia almost every new ruler had his own motto for the period of his governance. The motto of the current Lee Myung-bak gov't in S. Korea must - likely - be called: "Achieve the intensified bourgeois (i.e. capitalist) dictatorship!!"

Police to toughen protest rules  (Korea Herald, 3.31)

The police agency is seeking to ban demonstrators from carrying steel pipes, bamboo spears and other items that can be used to attack policemen.

They are also looking to prohibit demonstrators from wearing facial masks and to restrict the level of noise made at protests.

The National Police Agency said yesterday it will submit a revised bill on illegal street protests to the National Assembly after the April 9 elections.

The move comes amid President Lee Myung-bak's vow to crack down on illegal collective action, include militant labor activities.

Lee had personally asked Commissioner General Eo Cheong-soo to look into the issue, according to local reports.

To stem violence from walkouts and strikes, the police are looking to legally punish and arrest demonstrators who carry or use weapons during collective action.

The police have also proposed tougher jail sentences and fines for anyone participating in illegal labor activities despite police warnings. The current penalty is a maximum sentence of two years, or a maximum fine of 2 million won ($2,019).

The new bill will call for an agreement to be signed between demonstration organizers and local police when notice of a rally is filed, police said.

Prosecutors recently indicted 60 workers from Koscom, an electronic stock information provider, for participating in an illegal demonstration, and asked the court to impose a 1 million won fine on each party.

Government-hired security personnel raided their nearly 200-day sit-in near the company's building in Yeouido earlier last month. The unionized workers were demanding regular working status for some unionized members.


Megaphone Use in Rally Faces Restrictions (K. Times, 3.31)

Following report (by K. Times) is also very "remarkable":

Professors Protest `Political Censorship' (3.31)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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