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게시물에서 찾기Class struggle, fight the enemy..

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  1. 2007/12/23
    이랜드.. 투쟁 #14
    no chr.!
  2. 2007/12/14
    12.15(土) 전철연 단결 밤
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  3. 2007/11/30
    2003.11.30: 청계천..
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  4. 2007/11/25
    프랑스: 파업투쟁 #2
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  5. 2007/11/20
    프랑스: 파업투쟁 #1
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  6. 2007/11/11
    11.11 국가 테러
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  7. 2007/11/09
    2007 전국노동자대회..
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  8. 2007/11/07
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  9. 2007/11/02
    테트라팩 원정투쟁
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  10. 2007/10/31
    故정해진同志/국제 연대
    no chr.!

민주노총과 이주노동자..

KCTU published last week its..

Organizing Strategy of Migrant Workers in South Korea

1. General Situation of Migrant workers in South Korea

- Roughly 640,000 migrant workers
- roughly 220,000 undocumented
- roughly 420,000 documented
- Work in small to middle-size manufacturing companies, construction, service
- From 100+ countries, 30% women

2. Policy on Migrant Workers

- Documented migrant workers are regulated through the Employment Permit System
- 3-year short-term visa (1 year contracts renewed each year)
- restriction in changing workplaces
- usually very poor working conditions (low wages, long hours, night-time work, lack of rest days, verbal and physical abuse, etc.)
- government planning to reduce costs of employing migrant workers by placing part of meal and housing costs on workers and increasing training period (during which wages are lower than minimum)

- Undocumented workers: Since 2003 only policy is arrest, detention and deportation
- Crackdown brings everyday fear, injury and death in raids and human rights abuses
- Government proclaimed concentrated crackdown until end of the year- goal of arresting 20,000
- Working to strengthen crackdown through increased infrastructure, personnel and revision of immigration law

3. Organizing Strategies (separate migrant workers union, industrial union, local general unions)

1) Organizing through/into separate migrant workers trade union

- Case
* Seoul-Gyeonggi-Inchoen Migrants Trade Union (launched on April 24, 2005) (affiliated to KCTU)
* Most members are undocumented migrant workers.
* tried to register for legal union status but the government reject
* 1 Feb, 2007 High Court recognized that “undocumented migrants are also considered as workers who have rights to form and join a union.”
* Ministry of Labor has appeal to Supreme Court; decision expected before the end of the year
* KCTU filed a case to the ILO CFA
* Wide international support (unions, human rights organizations) for MTU’s legalization as a means to set a precedent for undocumented migrant workers freedom of association
- ITUC submitted amicus brief (analysis of international law pertaining to freedom of association) in MTU’s Supreme Court case

- Merits
* Avenue for migrant workers to fight for their rights themselves and become leaders of their own movement (all elected officers are migrant workers)  
* Paying more attention on the reform of related laws and systems (eg. EPS, Immigration law etc)
* More effective to raise the general problems on migrant workers socially

- Weaknesses
* difficulties to conduct normal trade union activities (eg. wage negotiation, collective bargaining)
* vulnerable status of undocumented leadership and members makes easy for government to attack

2) Organizing through/into Industry-level Union

Efforts are being made in the Metal Workers Union and the Federation of Construction Industry Trade Unions

- Case
* Samwoo Precision Machinery Chapter of Daegu Local Branch of Korean Metal Workers’ Union
* In struggling to establish the chapter organizers realized the importance of including the migrant workers. Union shop rules were included in the first collective bargaining agreement so that all migrant workers became members. In result, 22 Indonesian migrant workers join the union in 2007.
* The CBA also applies to all union members regardless of their nationalities. (fundamentally pursuing equal remuneration for equal value of work)

- Merits
* normal trade union activities : collective bargaining, training etc.
* single unionism between local and migrant workers, builds solidarity between native and migrant workers.
* organizing documented workers

- Weaknesses
* difficulties in maintaining communication between local and migrant union members (esp. translation issue)
* concerns for shop floor organizing tends to mean pay less attention of mobilization to reform the related laws and systems (eg. EPS, Immigration Law)
* concerns that majority national workers act as proxy for minor migrant workers inside the union. In result, fails to increase the real awareness on the subject of rights amongst migrant workers and leadership of migrant workers
* concerns for TU to pay less attention on undocumented workers
* Most industrial unions not well-prepared to accept migrant workers

3) Organizing through/into local-based union

- Case
* Making efforts to organize migrant workers into local general union
* Case: Seongseo Industrial Complex General Union, migrant organizing department
- 50+ migrant members (Indonesia, Bangladesh, Filipino)
- Education, mobilizing on migrant issues
* Certain KCTU Regional Branches provide services for migrant workers on back wages and OHS matters, organizing large scale training course for both national and migrant workers

- Merits
* Can pay more attention to migrant worker education and training
* Can foster integration between native and migrant workers
* Can pay more attention to undocumented migrant workers in small and medium sized companies that the industry-level unions cannot reach

-  Weaknesses
* limitations in terms of raise the policy issues related to migrant workers on a national level.
* General lack of resources in local unions makes expansion of organizing difficult

3. Conclusions

 All 3 organizing strategies have merits and weaknesses. Need to assess which one is appropriate in what conditions and find a way to implement and coordinate all 3.

 Role of National Center in coordinating 3 organizing strategies should be greatly emphasized.

 Need create a system for communication and building unity between migrant workers in all types of unions so they can express their demands in a way that their voice will not be excluded or ignored

4. Future Tasks

- Need to enhance efforts to provide basic services including education, training and educational materials in mother languages related to labour laws for migrant workers. The goal of these would be to increase class consciousness and rights consciousness amongst migrant workers so that they can become actors demanding their rights for themselves. 

- Need to organize training and education courses for native workers so they become familiar with the conditions of migrant workers and come to consider the issues of migrant workers as their own (eg. Regular education course on migrant workers rights for native workers, regular opportunities for migrant workers and native workers to come together)

- Mobilization for the purpose of reforming the related laws and systems including EPS and Immigration law so as to create unionization-friendly circumstance for migrant workers

- Increased intervention in the official migration process implemented by the South Korean government and governments in countries of origin so as to organize documented workers under the Employment Permit System.

- Building more systematic structure for organizing migrant workers and dealing with migrant workers issues at every level including national center, industry-level union and regional branches.

- Strengthening cooperation with trade unions of origin countries so as to organize migrant workers more effectively. 

KCTU's "Organizing Strategy.." paper (word document) you can download here!




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

이랜드 파업투쟁..

Yesterday (11.13) the E.Land strike has been finished and Hankyoreh reported today following:

After 510 days, E.Land union signs off on a deal

Sense of solidarity united regular and irregular workers(*), some of whom prepare for new struggles as others prepare to move on 
“Day 510 of the strike. It was very tough. It feels good now that it’s finished, but I think some bitterness will remain in one corner of my heart for a long time.”

A shadow briefly fell over the face of E.Land Irregular Workers’ Union President Kim Kyung-wook, 39, as he explained the circumstances of the strike’s end in a steady, clear voice while sitting in a meeting room in the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions in Seoul’s Yeongdeung-po on Thursday afternoon.

That morning, Hwang Seon-yeong, acting head of the World Cup branch, cried all the way back after finishing the signing ceremony for a labor-management agreement with Samsung Tesco at a Home Plus in Seoul’s Siheung-dong neighborhood. Hwang said this was because she felt bad about other union members who could not return to work even though the strike was over. The atmosphere at the general meeting of union members Tuesday, where the provisional agreement plan was passed with 87 percent agreement, was also glum. They were promised a prohibition on additional outsourcing and guarantees for the hiring of temporary workers as regular workers, but 12 union leaders, including Kim, were not reinstated following the company’s refusal. Kim said, “I think people who know how we’ve fought so far will sufficiently understand” how they were unable to achieve their demands for reinstatement. He recognized the inevitability of some sacrifice in attaining results from the long struggle for temporary workers, including the blocking of additional outsourcing. He also said that a determination that “we have to return to work strong” before the striking ranks grew more tired also played a part. Once numbering 600, the striking union members recently dwindled to 180.

“That we’ve made it this far is a victory for the older female union members,” the union leaders agreed. When they began their sit-down strike at the Sangam-dong Homever on June 30 of last year, one day before enforcement of the irregular workers’ law, in response to the E.Land Group’s outsourcing of calculation duties and cancellation of contracts, nobody expected that the battle would last for more than 500 days. “We planned for two days and one night, but the union members went 20 days, saying, ‘We can’t leave, nothing’s been resolved.’ It was the memories of struggle we made together then that pulled me through 500 days,” said Hong Yoon-gyeong, the union’s director. Hundreds of union members were taken away by police or charged and indicted, faced with a lawsuit for compensatory damages close to 30 billion won, and suffered from livelihood difficulties, but they did not back down.

The E.Land struggle is expected to go down as a “beautiful example of solidarity between regular workers and temporary workers,” in which regular worker union leaders dedicated themselves to the struggle of irregular workers. Kim Kyung-wook said, “If regular workers don’t take the initiative, it’s difficult for temporary workers to make their own individual union and fight that way.” Vice President Lee Nam-shin was fired and donated his 70 million won in severance pay for the costs of the struggle, and Kim led the strike even as his two sons were receiving treatment after being diagnosed with possible developmental disorders.

The union is to tear down its strike tent in front of the World Cup Home Plus at 7:00 Friday evening and hold one last “cultural festival” for the struggle. It is expected that they will continue the “battle for reinstatement” with other individuals fired by the E.Land Group who are not affiliated with Homever.


Related article:
E.Land Management, Labor Reach Accord (K. Times, 11.13)

* PS:

Please don't forget that the striking E.Land workers were also supporting/joining the struggle of MTU!!!








진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

11.12(火) 기륭 투쟁






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

11.8/9: 투쟁 주말

On the coming weekend the anually highlight of the struggle of the S.K. working class will be celebrated (*).
It begins on Saturday afternoon with the - as usally really great -
Workers Struggle Culture Festival (until the late night!!). This year it will take place in front of Seoul Station (not in Yeouido, as it was scheduled before!!). Here you also can find the MTU solidarity booth/tent (MTU members are cooking delicious food, the Soju.. comes from the Korean Street Vendors Confederation!):

On Sunday the  National Workers Struggle Rally/Demo  will hit the streets of Seoul (start: 2 p.m. in Daehang-no, near Hyehwa Stn.):





* Related: 

Interview with Lee Yong-shik/KCTU S.G. (Vop, 11.7)






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Annually, in the beginning of November, the S.K. working class is celebrating its struggle against exploitation and opression with a massive rally and demonstration (this year it will be on coming Sunday!!).
Five years ago (2003, Nov. 9), after two weeks of almost daily state terror, executed by thousands of riot cops, against strikes and protests, the "National Workers Rally" has been attacked (by the riot cops) from the beginning..
And - surprise, surprise - finally the "event" escalated a "little bit"..




MUST SEE: "Hong Gil-dong's" video documentary about the..
National Workers Rally 2003.11.9

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

이랜드투쟁 집회/문화제





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

2003/10/26 (#2)

As I wrote (10.27) in my contribution about the "National Struggle Day of Irregular Workers" five years ago (2003.10.26) more than 1000 migrant workers participated in the rally, demonstration and following street battle with thousands of riot cops. During the clashes with the cops two members of ETU-MB, Jamal and Bidduth, were brutally arrested (*):


* Related report by KCTU:
Two Migrant Workers and Members of KCTU Deported

Finally here you can (MUST!!) watch a video documentary by comrade "Hong Gil-dong in the Forest" about the "events" after the cops started their attacks against us!

You should keep in mind: At that time the "liberal"/"progressive" (or whatever) Roh Moo-hyun ("worker friendly", Roh promised in his election campaign!!) administration governed S.K. already for more than eight month!!


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

2003/10/26 (#1)

S. Korean Workers and Migrant Workers United in the Struggle Against Exploitaion and Oppression

Well, here - as I promised last Friday - my contribution about the "National Struggle Day of Irregular Workers" five years ago (2003.10.26): Beside 2,500 Korean workers and their supporters more than 1000 migrant workers, organized in the ETU-MB (the predecessor organisation of MTU), participated in the rally, demonstration and the following street battle, triggered by the blockade and attacks of thousands of riot cops, incl. the notoriously frontline combat units (*).







* Related report by Base21 (2003.10.27):
New suicide, police terror and arresting in Seoul, South Korea

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Coming Sunday the annual  National Struggle Day of Irregular Workers  will be "celebrated" in S.Korea (5 years ago the same "event" triggered in Seoul for almost one week a massive wave of extreme violent state terror against workers protests. More about it I'll write next Monday!!). In Seoul the rally will start in the early afternoon in Daehakno:

Oops~ Of course I should not forget to mention the  "Festival of Democracy" :

Candlelit Rally Planned Sat. (K. Times, 10.24)

Civic groups and online community members will hold a candlelit rally Saturday at Cheonggye Plaza in central Seoul to protest the Lee Myung-bak administration's policies.

"The government has carried out steps only for the rich at the sacrifice of ordinary citizens. We are going to put an end to the government policies designed only for 1 percent of the people,'' they said in a joint statement.

They are planning to hold various cultural events in front of the Cheonggye Stream. They plan to start events in the early afternoon and voluntarily disperse at around 7 p.m.

They said they would refrain from marching on the streets...

Defining the rally illegal, police said they would take stern action against any violent rally participants. (!!!)


Related stuff:
25일 청계광장에서 ‘민주주의 페스티벌’ 열린다 (VoP, 10.24)


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

기륭전자 노조 탄압..

Kiryung Trade Union Office Brutally Attacked!

The Hankyoreh (10.16): Yesterday, October 15, in front of Kiryung Electronics in Guro-dong, Seoul, approximately 70 employees of Kiryung Electronics and a security company (*) remove a shipping container as 10 irregular workers attempt to deter them. The container has lodged the members of the irregular workers union of Kiryung Elcetronics during a struggle that has lasted for over three years. After the container was removed, Kim So-yeon, the head of the union, was hospitalized for exhaustion.

A witness to the conflict said that a security company employee trampled on the head of a female irregular worker who had fallen down, but that police did not restrain (**) the employee in question.



Mobsters (with the gloves), hired by the Kiryung management, attacking labour union activists

Bae Yeong-hun, the chairman of Kiryung Electronics, said, “We had no choice but to remove the container because we have to complete the move to our new office building in Sindaebang-dong, Seoul, by October 25.”

He added that he thinks a compromise between the company and irregular workers will be impossible if irregular workers fulfill a plan to go to the U.S. to urge Kiryung Electronics’ clients to discontinue their orders.

In response, the irregular workers’ union said that the company had not given them any information about the impending container removal, adding that the company does not have the right to remove the container because it was located in front of the company and not inside.

Yu Heung-hui, a member of the irregular workers union of Kiryung Elcetronics, said they had already died two deaths because of their 94-day-long hunger strike and being fired, but resolved to continue their struggle with determination.



* In reality: criminal gangs, hired by the Kiryung management! It's very usual for S.K. companies, but also city governments etc., to hire such gangs (용역깡패) to smash workers' protests or public resistance activities..

** Usually the riot cops are backing such "activities"!!

Defending the labour union/strike office..


More reports by:





Kiryung T.U. Hunger Strike

Background Info

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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