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  1. 2009/03/05
    美.미래 - 2010/11년
    no chr.!
  2. 2009/03/02
    세계(경제) 위기 #6
    no chr.!
  3. 2009/02/24
    세계(경제) 위기 #5
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  4. 2009/02/19
    세계(경제) 위기 #4
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  5. 2009/02/15
    프랑스: '피크닉 항의'
    no chr.!
  6. 2009/02/05
    공산주의/네팔뉴스 #52
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  7. 2009/01/16
    이스라엘vs. 하마스 #9
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  8. 2009/01/14
    이스라엘vs. 하마스 #8
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  9. 2009/01/13
    네팔뉴스 #51
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  10. 2009/01/09
    이스라엘vs. 하마스 #7
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가자'연대'와 이란/IRGC

One of yesterday's 'top stories' in the int'l media: Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) will protect the next 'Peace and Freedom Convoys' to Gaza...

For example
The Guardian (UK) reported y'day the following:

Gaza blockade: Iran offers escort to next aid convoy

Iran has warned that it could send Revolutionary Guard naval units to escort humanitarian aid convoys seeking to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza – a move that would certainly be challenged by Israel.

Any such Iranian involvement, raised today by an aide to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, would constitute a serious escalation of already high tensions with Israel, which accuses Tehran of seeking to build a nuclear weapon and of backing Hamas, the Islamist movement that controls Gaza.

"Iran's Revolutionary Guard naval forces are prepared to escort the peace and freedom convoys that carry humanitarian assistance for the defenceless and oppressed people of Gaza with all their strength," pledged Hojjatoleslam Ali Shirazi, Khamenei's personal representative to the guards corps.



Well, sounds like a f*cking good idea!!^^


And, as the following suggests, in about two weeks a first 'match' IRGC vs. Israeli Navy Special Forces might take place in the Mediterranean Sea near the Gaza Strip:

The Iranian Red Crescent (IRC) has decided to send two aid ships to Gaza this week and has called for volunteers to act as relief workers and accompany the vessels, the state
IRNA news agency reported y'day.

"One ship will carry donations made by the people and the other will carry relief workers. The ships will be sent to Gaza by end of this week," IRC director Adibzadeh said.

And according to several Iranian sources it could be the first 'aid' convoy, trying to break Israel's Gaza blockade, 'protected' by IRGC 'volunteers'...





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

'미군이 천안함 격침'

Granma, the official newspaper of the Cuban 'Communist' Party, publishes since three years the so-called Reflections of Fidel Castro (Reflexiones de Fidel)... Here's his latest column, published last Friday (6.04):

The Empire and Lies

I was left with no alternative other than to write two "Reflections" on Iran and Korea, which explain the imminent danger of war with the use of nuclear weapons. I have also expressed the opinion that one of them could be overcome if China decided to veto the resolution that the United States is promoting in the United Nations Security Council. The other is dependent on factors that escape any possibility of control, due to the fanatical conduct of the state of Israel, converted by the United States into its current condition as a strong nuclear power, which does not accept any control whatsoever on the part of the superpower.

In June 1953, when the first United States intervention to crush the Islamic Revolution in defense of its own interests and those of its close ally the United Kingdom took place, which resulted in Mohammed Reza Pahlevi assuming power, Israel was a small state that had not yet seized almost all of Palestinian territory, part of Syria and more than a small part of neighboring Jordan, defended up until then by the Arab Legion, of which not a trace remained.

Today the hundreds of rockets with nuclear warheads, supported by the most modern aircraft supplied by the United States, are threatening the security of all the states of the region, Arab and non-Arab, Muslim and non-Muslim, that are in the reach of the wide radius of action of Israeli missiles, which could fall within a few meters of their objectives.

Last Sunday, May 30, when I wrote the Reflection "The Empire and drugs," the brutal attack on the flotilla transporting provisions, medicines and other items for the one and a half million Palestinians besieged in a small fragment of what was their own homeland for thousands of years, had not yet taken place.

The vast majority of people invest their time in and struggle to confront the necessities that life imposes upon them, including food, the right to recreation and study, and other vital problems of their closest family members; they do not have time to search for information about what is happening on the planet. They can be found anywhere, with noble expressions on their face, trusting that others will take charge of finding solutions to the problems overwhelming them. They are capable of rejoicing and laughing. Thus, they bring happiness to those of us who have the privilege of observing with equanimity the realities threatening us all.

The extremely strange fabrication that North Korea had sunk the South Korean Cheonan corvette – designed with cutting-edge technology, endowed with a wide-ranging sonar system and underwater acoustic sensors – in waters opposite its coast, blamed North Korea for the appalling act that cost the lives of 40 South Korean marines and inflicted dozens of injuries.

It was not easy for me to unravel the problem. On the one hand, there was no explanation as to how it was possible for any government, however much authority it enjoys, to utilize command mechanisms to give orders to torpedo an ensign ship. On the other hand, I did not believe for one second the version that it was Kim Jong II who gave that order.

I lacked the elements needed to reach a conclusion, but I was sure that China would veto a draft resolution in the Security Council to sanction North Korea. On the other hand, I was in no doubt whatsoever that the United States is unable to avoid the use of nuclear weapons on the part of the incontrollable government of Israel.

Late in the evening of June 1 the veil over what really happened began to lift.

At 10:30 p.m. I listened to the content of an acute analysis by the journalist Walter Martínez, who produces the sterling "Dossier" program on Venezuelan television. He came to the conclusion that the United States had made each part of Korea believe what each side was affirming about the other, with the objective of solving the problem of the return of the territory occupied by the Okinawa base, as demanded by the new Japanese leader, reflecting the wishes of the country. His party gained enormous backing in the elections due to that promise of his to secure the [U.S.] withdrawal from the military base installed there which, for more than 65 years, has been a dagger thrust in the heart of Japan, now a developed and rich country.

Via Global Research the really amazing details of what happened have come out, thanks to an article by Wayne Madsen, an investigative journalist working in Washington DC, who circulated information from intelligence sources on the Wayne Madsen Report website.

Those sources, he affirmed, "…suspect that the March attack on the South Korean Navy anti-submarine warfare (ASW) corvette, the Cheonan, was a false flag attack designed to appear as coming from North Korea."

"One of the main purposes for increasing tensions on the Korean peninsula was to apply pressure on Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama to reverse course on moving the U.S. Marine Corps base off Okinawa. Hatoyama has admitted that the tensions over the sinking of the Cheonan played a large part in his decision to allow the U.S. Marines to remain on Okinawa. Hatoyama's decision has resulted in a split in the ruling center-left coalition government, a development welcome in Washington, with Mizuho Fukushima, the Social Democratic Party leader threatening to bolt the coalition over the Okinawa reversal.

"The Cheonan was sunk near Baengnyeong Island, a westernmost spot that is far from the South Korean coast, but opposite the North Korean coast. The island is heavily militarized and within artillery fire range of North Korean coastal defenses, which lie across a narrow channel.

"The Cheonan, an ASW corvette, was decked out with state-of-the-art sonar, plus it was operating in waters with extensive hydrophone sonar arrays and acoustic underwater sensors. There is no South Korean sonar or audio evidence of a torpedo, submarine or mini-sub in the area. Since there is next to no shipping in the channel, the sea was silent at the time of the sinking.

"However, Baengnyeong Island hosts a joint U.S-South Korea military intelligence base and the U.S. Navy SEALS operate out of the base. In addition, four U.S. Navy ships were in the area, part of the joint U.S-South Korean Exercise Foal Eagle, during the sinking of the Cheonan. An investigation of the suspect torpedo's metallic and chemical fingerprints show it to be of German manufacture. There are suspicions that the U.S. Navy SEALS maintains a sampling of European torpedoes for sake of plausible deniability for false flag attacks. Also, Berlin does not sell torpedoes to North Korea, however, Germany does maintain a close joint submarine and submarine weapons development program with Israel.

"The presence of the USNS Salvor, one of the participants in Foal Eagle, so close to Baengnyeong Island during the sinking of the South Korean corvette also raises questions.

"The Salvor, a civilian Navy salvage ship, which participated in mine laying activities for the Thai Marines in the Gulf of Thailand in 2006, was present near the time of the blast with a complement of 12 deep sea divers.

"Beijing, satisfied with North Korea's Kim Jong Il's claim of innocence after a hurried train trip from Pyongyang to Beijing, suspects the U.S. Navy's role in the Cheonan's sinking, with particular suspicion on the role of the Salvor. The suspicions are as follows:

"1. The Salvor engaged in a seabed mine-installation operation, in other words, attaching horizontally fired anti-submarine mines on the sea floor in the channel.

"2. The Salvor was doing routine inspection and maintenance on seabed mines, and put them into an electronic active mode (hair trigger release) as part of the inspection program.

"3. A SEALS diver attached a magnetic mine to the Cheonan, as part of a covert program aimed at influencing public opinion in South Korea, Japan and China.

"The Korean peninsula tensions have conveniently overshadowed all other agenda items on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visits to Beijing and Seoul."

Thus, in an amazingly easy way, the United States managed to solve an important problem: to liquidate the National Unity government of the Democratic Party of Yukio Hatoyama, but at an extremely high cost:

1- It deeply offended its South Korea allies.

2- It highlighted the skill and rapidity with which its adversary Kim Jong Il acted.

3- It emphasized the prestige of the Chinese power, whose president, with full moral authority, moved personally and sent China’s principal leaders to converse with Emperor Akihito, the Prime Minister and other eminent Japanese figures.

Political leaders and world opinion have proof of the cynicism and total lack of scruples that characterize the imperial policy of the United States.

Fidel Castro Ruz
Junio 3 de 2010
11 y 16 a.m.





Related stuff:
Pyongyang: Cheonan was false-flag sinking (Asia Times, 6.04)
Cheonan Conspiracy Theories (Marmot's Hole, 6.03)
'There was no Explosion. There was No Torpedo' (IMC S.K., 5.30)


And - last but not least - please keep in mind(^^) that...
Police (will) hunt for Cheonan rumors (K. Times, 6.01)







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[5.19] 방콕 뉴스 (#5)

"Day X": Protesters under Fire - Bangkok on Fire

Since the early morning APC, tanks and thousands of troops are storming Bangkok's center with the aim to smash the "red-shirt" protest campaign(*):






The result: While "six key leaders of the red shirt movement surrendered to police after Thai soldiers breached the barricades", as al-Jazeera reported six hours ago, right now at least 12 sites in downtown Bangkok, incl. the Bangkok Stock Exchange, a TV station and several of the most famous department stores got up in flames:






And meanwhile from more and more cities in Thailand's north-eastern provinces mass riots (incl. attacks against police stations, city halls etc.) were/are reported...



* Related updated reports:
Bangkok burns after army crackdown (al-Jazeera)

Thai forces surge into protest area... (CNN)
Troops storm redshirt protest camp (Guardian)
Thailand going up in smoke (Asia Times)  





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[5.13] 방콕 뉴스 (#3)

After a (really) short cooling off period in Bangkok many there are expecting in the coming hours a new and possibly massive escalation of the conflict beween the Thai gov't and the so-called "red-shirts", as al-Jazeera reported a few hours ago from the Thai capital(*):

 Security forces in Thailand are preparing to seal off a protest site in Bangkok occupied by protesters who ignored a deadline to end their two months of street rallies. Security forces said that they would surround the protest site with armoured vehicles from 6pm (local time), and would allow people to leave but not enter.

Shortly afterwards, a leader of Thai anti-government protesters urged supporters to surround armoured vehicles that converge outside their protest site to prevent them from being used to disperse the crowds.   

"We will send out groups to surround these vehicles to prevent them from advancing," Jatuporn Prompan, a protest leader, told supporters. "We believe the army will try to crack down this evening or tomorrow morning."

* Since about one hour heavily armed troops are storming Bangkok's central district, occupied by the "red-shirts"... According to BBC and CNN one of the protesters' leading figures was shot by live ammunition. BBC reports right now: "A Thai general who supports the 'red shirt' protesters (**) has been shot and seriously wounded, according to a witness at a Bangkok hospital."

MUST READ(!!): Asia Times(HK) recently published two interesting pieces about several surprising backgrounds of some ideas/persons related to the "red-shirt" movement:
Thai power grows from the barrel of a gun (5.13)

On guard at Bangkok's frontlines (5.11)


** According to several independent sources in Bangkok: ex-Major General Khattiya "Seh Daeng" Sawatdiphol (-> "On guard at Bangkok's frontlines")


Related report(10pm, KST): 

Gunfire heard in the Thai capital (al-Jazeera)






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[5.07] 네팔 총파업

General Strike in Nepal... Ended(*)

Friday(5.07) afternoon in Kathmandu (according to an eye-witness):
Vigilante gangs broke off from civil society peace march, attacking protesters rocks and sticks. Police respond by tear-gassing canteen, beating Maoists who responded to the attack. Hindu-chauvinist groups attack Maoists with police assistance in the Terai, targetting leaders.... Don’t believe the mainstream press. They smear the movement, portraying right-wing gangs as local residents and protesters as outsiders.

Friday evening in Kathmandu (the same source reported):
UCPN(M) announces end of general strike. Violence from police and vigilante groups was widespread today. Nobody knows yet what this means – the new terms will be announced at mass meetings across the city on Sat./Sun...


NepalNews reported the following:

UCPN (M) withdraws general strike 'considering public woes and govt conspiracy'

After choking the nation for six consecutive days, the Unified CPN (Maoist) has decided to end its 'indefinite' general strike.

A meeting of the UCPN (M)'s standing committee held Friday evening decided to end the general strike "in view of the difficulties caused by the general strike to ordinary people" and the violent confrontations taking place during the demonstrations.

The party will organise mass meetings followed by demonstrations in the capital other major other cities across the country on Saturday and will picket Singha Durbar on Sunday.

"We have decided to stop the general strike considering the difficulty caused to the ordinary people, and also in view of the conspiracy hatched by this government to instigate violence. But we have not stopped our people's movement-III," Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal told media persons after the meeting.

Dahal informed that the party would carry out a series of protest programmes until May 28, the deadline to issue the new constitution.

UCPN(M) had enforced nationwide general strike from Sunday, a day after a it staged the mass rally to celebrate the May Day in the capital. The general strike brought the nation to a complete halt with transportation services, industries, educational institutions and marketplaces remaining closed down while the bandh was starting to cause shortage of food and vegetables in the capital and outside.

Initially, the General Strike was largely peaceful, but as the strike went on, there was increasing violence(**) between the Maoist agitators and those defying the General Strike.


But the General Strike wasn't unsuccessful, not at all! "Although Maoist led, the strike is supported by the majority of workers..", the Scottish Socialist Youth wrote last Wednesday...
And the consistent struggle for "People's Democracy"/"Liberation of the Exploited and Oppressed" has resulted in another important development, as
NepalNews reported: "Dozens of popular artistes including movie producers, directors, actors and singers have joined the Unified CPN (Maoist). Party chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal welcomed as many as 94 artistes and handed them party membership... Those joining the Maoists include movie producers and actors Yubraj Lama and Mausami Malla and popular directors Rajendra Khadgi and NB Maharjan. Emerging singer Anju Panta, who escalated to fame with her song ‘Na Birse Timilai’ also joined the Maoists."


* ...or rather suspended - for the time being!!

** At least since the 5th Day(5.06) of the General Strike the attacks (carried out by the ruling forces) against the striking people, especially against the Maoist activists were increasing, as the (bourgeois) TelegraphNepal reported:
While the youth cadres of ruling United Marxist Leninist and Nepali Congress parties led retaliatory actions against the Maoists’ cadres at various locations of the country, however, Birgunj, an economic center in the Tarai area, became the center of anti-Maoist violent demonstration. The youths affiliated to a Hindu organization not only vandalized a temporary camp established by the Maoist Party in Birgunj but set ablaze the camp...


Related articles:
6-day general strike was just a 'trailer' (NepalNews, 5.08)
General strike ends, struggle continues (PSLweb, 5.09)
Police, Maoists clash in Nepal, several injured (AP, 5.09)





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그리스: 총파업/화재참사

The statement below was issued y'day by an anarchist collective in Athens

supporting/joining the struggle/strikes of the Greek working class:

The murderers “mourn” their victims

Regarding today’s tragic death of 3 bank workers

The enormous strike demonstration which took place today, 5th of May turned into a social outflow of rage. At least 200,000 people of all ages took to the streets (employees and unemployed, in the public and private sector, locals and migrants) attempting, over many hours and in consecutive waves, to surround and to take over the Parliament. The forces of repression came out in full force, to play their familiar role – that is, of the protection of the political and financial authorities. The clashes were hours long and extensive. The political system and its institutions reached a nadir.

However, in the midst of all this, a tragic event that no words can possibly describe took place: 3 people died from infusions at the branch of Marfin Bank on Stadiou Avenue, which was set ablaze.

The state and the entire journalistic riff-raff, without any shame toward the dead or their close ones, spoke from the very first moment about some “murderer-hooded up youths”, trying to take advantage of the event, in order to calm the wave of social rage that had erupted and to recover their authority that had been torn apart; to impose once again a police occupation of the streets, to wipe out sources of social resistance and disobedience against state terrorism and capitalist barbarity. For this reason, during the last few hours the police forces have been marching through the center of Athens, they have conducted hundreds of detentions and they raided – with shootings and stun-grenades – the anarchist occupation “space of united multiform action” on Zaimi street and the “migrant haunt” on Tsamadou Street, causing extensive damage (both these places are in the Exarcheia neighbourhood of Athens). At the same time the threat of a violent police eviction is hanging over the rest of the self-organised spaces (occupations and haunts) after the Prime-ministerial speech which referred to soon-to-come raids for the arrest of the “murderers”.

The governors, governmental officials, their political personnel, the TV-mouthpieces and the salaried hack writers attempt in this way to purify their regime and the criminalise the anarchists and every unpatronised voice of struggle. As if there would ever be the slightest of chances that whoever attacked the bank (provided the official scenario stands) would possibly know there were people inside, and that they would torch it alight regardless. They seem to confuse the people in struggle for themselves: them who without any hesitation hand over the entire society to the deepest pillage and enslaving, who order their praetorians to attack without hesitation and to aim and shoot to kill, them who have lead three people to suicide in the past week alone, due to financial debts.

The truth is that the real murderer, the real instigator of today’s tragic death of 3 people is “mister” Vgenopoulos, who used the usual employers’ blackmailing (the threat of sacking) and forced his employees to work in the branches of his bank during a day of strike – and even in a branch like the one of Stadiou Avenue, where the strike’s demonstration would pass through. Such blackmailing is known only too well by anyone experiencing the terrorism of salaried slavery on an everyday level. We are awaiting to see what excuses Vgenopoulos will come up with for the relatives of the victims and for the society as a whole – this ultra-capitalist now hinted by some centers of power as the next prime minister in a future “national unity government” that could follow the expected, complete collapse of the political system.

If an unprecedented strike can ever be a murderer…

If an unprecedented demonstration, in an unprecedented crisis, can ever be a murderer…

If open social spaces that are alive and public can ever be murderers…

If the state can impose a curfew and attack demonstrators under the pretext of arresting murderers…

If Vgenopoulos can detain his employees inside a bank – that is, a primary social enemy and target for demonstrators…

…it is because authority, this serial murderer, wants to slaughter upon its birth a revolt which questions the supposed solution of an even harsher attack on society, of an even larger pillage by capital, of an even thirstier sucking of our blood.

…it is because the future of the revolt does not include politicians and bosses, police and mass media.

… it is because behind their much-advertised “only” solution, there is a solution that does not speak of development rates and unemployment but rather, it speaks of solidarity, self-organising and human relationships.

When asking who are the murderers of life, of freedom, of dignity, the ferments of authority and capital, they and their tuft hunters only need to take a look at their own selves. Today and every day...





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

네팔뉴스: 총파업, 제4날

Nepal in General Strike

Today is the 4th day of the General Strike, organised by the UCPN(M), and it "shuts down much of Nepal", as the int'l media is reporting.


AP about today's events: "Nepal's Maoist opposition blocked streets leading to key government offices Wednesday on the fourth day of their crippling general strike to demand the prime minister's resignation, while the government vowed not to bow to protesters' pressure..."


But more and more public figures and even politicians of the current "ruling" forces, such as UML leaders (according to the Nepali media), are demanding the PM Nepal's immediate resignation.

About yesterday's main events an eye-witness wrote: "The Ring Road that circles Kathmandu was surrounded in rings of protesters. 28 kilometers long in two rows, sometimes four. With 18 marches of roughly 20,000+ each..."


About Monday's situation in Kathmandu an foreign activist reported: "At dusk, police fired tear gas at marchers near Gongabu bus terminal, and live ammunition into the air to push back the crowds. No one was seriously injured, nor was anyone too shaken at the scene. People are determined and won't be scared off. Rallies throughout the city..."




Related reports:
Maoists block roads to government offices (Kansas City Star, 5.05)

Resign PM Nepal: Civil society leader orders (TelegraphNepal, 5.05)




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네팔뉴스: 노동절/총파업

"Nepal's former Maoist guerrillas paralysed the capital and 10 more key cities with an impressive show of strength on May Day..." the bourgeois Times of India reported on Sunday.


Well, the May Day protest in Nepal, especially in Kathmandu was a complete success for the UCPN(M)! In the Napali capital est. 300,000 people followed the Maoists' call and joined their rally/demonstrations (possibly it was the most powerful May Day celebration worldwide!!).



But the May Day "event" was just the beginning of a long before announced nationwide indefinite General Strike, also organised by the UCPN(M), to resolve the political crisis/deadlock generated by the current "ruling" forces (NP, CPN/UML etc.) in the country...


But despite KP Oli's (CPN/UML) stupid comment that the "Kids on street cannot topple the govt...", the General Strike is until now very successful... According to today's
e-Kantipur "the normal life has been complete crippled in Nepal on the second day of the General Strike imposed by the UCPN (Maoist) demanding that the incumbent coalition government stepped down".



2nd day of general strike further mars normal life (NepalNews, 5.03)
General strike shuts down much of Nepal (Guardian, 5.02)
Pics: The 1st day of General Strike (TelegraphNepal, 5.02)
Pics: May Day Protest (TelegraphNepal, 5.01)
Maoists throw May Day challenge to Nepal govt (ToI, 5.01)






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네팔뉴스 #51

It seems that - at least during/after the Int'l Struggle Day of the Working Class (aka MayDay) - Nepal will face possibly a new (some are saying "the final") massive escalation of the political power struggle between the current "ruling" forces - NC, "C"PN(U"ML") etc., incl. the police, secret agency and army - and the UCPN-M (still the strongest political party, but since last year in opposition)!

Just follow today's headlines in the Nepali media (here, just as an example, the
Mayday: Deployment of Army likely
Kathmandu turns RED, Maoist’s cadres enter from all corners
Govt plans massive use of Police force to face Maoist challenge
(Maoist) PLA also on High Alert, Panic increasing

Updated (4.29) reports by NepalNews:
UCPN (M) urges govt not to suppress their 'peaceful protests'
Maoist cadres continue to enter Kathmandu in large numbers
Govt will maintain law and order at any cost...




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[4.25] 방콕 뉴스 (#2)

Bangkok is bracing for more unrest after the Thai PM rejected an offer by anti-gov't protesters to end their demonstrations in return for fresh elections within 30 days. Instead, Abhisit Vejjajiva reiterated in a nationally televised address on Sunday that the authorities will retake the main protest site of the so-called "Red shirts", aka UDD(*) in Bangkok's main shopping area of Ratchaprasong... And "Red shirt" leaders responded to Abhisit's warning by telling thousands of their supporters to expect a violent gov't crackdown, according to today's al-Jazeera report(**).

Here some impressions from last week's scenes in Bangkok's central district:











* UDD's (United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship) "Six Principles":

1) Achieving the goal of establishing a genuine democracy that has the
King as our Head of State
, with political power belonging exclusively to
the people. We reject any attempt, past or future, at using the monarchy
to silence dissent or advance a particular agenda.

2) Dissolving the 2007 Constitution and restoring the 1997 Constitution,
which may then be amended through a transparent, consultative and
democratic process.

3) Bringing Thais together in an effort to solve our political and
socio-economic problems, recognizing that such efforts must stem from the
power of the people.

4) Implementing the rule of law, due process and a system of equal justice
for all, free of any obstructions or double-standards.

5) Uniting all Thais who love democracy, equality, and equal justice
within all facets of society, in an effort to deconstruct and move beyond
the Amartyatippatai (Aristocracy) system.

6) Using exclusively non-violent means to achieve these objectives.


** The Thai PM vows to retake protest site





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기간별 글 묶음


태그 구름

방문객 통계

  • 전체
  • 오늘
  • 어제