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  1. 2005/05/16
    World Poverty
    no chr.!
  2. 2005/05/16
    지난주말/5.14 (사진報告)
    no chr.!
  3. 2005/05/13
    The Result of the S. Korean Government's f... policy...
    no chr.!
  4. 2005/05/09
    “부처님 오신날”/파시즘반대(독일)
    no chr.!
  5. 2005/02/16
    지난날 (報告)
    no chr.!
  6. 2005/01/30
    어제 광화문 #1
    no chr.!
  7. 2005/01/30
    어제 광화문 #2
    no chr.!

World Poverty

The facts about world poverty

Sunday May 15, 2005
The Observer

· One third of deaths - some 18 million people a year - are caused by poverty.

· An estimated 600m children live in absolute poverty. Every year more than 10 million children die of hunger and preventable diseases.

· Over 1 billion people live on less than 70p a day with nearly half the world's population - 2.8 billion - surviving on less than twice that amount.

· Income per person in the poorest countries in Africa has fallen by a quarter in the past 20 years.

· More than half a million women die in pregnancy and childbirth every year - one death a minute.

· Spread over 10 years the cost to the UK taxpayer of cancelling £1.3bn debt is £171m a year or £2.85 per UK citizen - the price of a pint of beer.

· The United Nations believes that unfair trade rules deny poor countries more than £400 billion every year. Less than 0.01 per cent of this could save the sight of 30m people.

· International trade is worth almost £6m a minute with 70 per cent of this controlled by multinational companies.

· The average cow in the European Union receives more than £1.40 a day in subsidies, more than the amount that half the world's population survives on.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

지난주말/5.14 (사진報告)

The text for the pics is in process - please, just be patiently...

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

The Result of the S. Korean Government's f... policy...

...of Hunting and Deporting of Migrant Workers

(a documentation by the bourgeois Korea Times/Yonhap, 05-05-13)


Streets Empty As Hunt for Illegal

Foreigners Continues


ANSAN (Yonhap) - The downtown district of this bustling industrial city just 40 km southwest of Seoul is haunted by an eerie silence, with stores closed, for-lease signs prominent and few passersby.

Wongok-dong, a suburb of mostly foreign migrant workers whose cosmopolitan culture once had it praised as a ``town without borders,’’ is rapidly becoming known as a ghost town.

As the South Korean government's current campaign against illegal immigrant workers continues, Wongok-dong is losing much of its 30,000-strong population.

Locals say almost half of the foreign citizens once resident there have left since the government crackdown started in September.

``They come by in cars at any time and arrest people walking on the streets,’’ said Yun Yeong-cheol, who runs a grocery store in Wongok-dong, referring to officials from the Ministry of Justice in charge of implementing the government's policy to catch illegal immigrant workers.

Many of his regular customers, mostly from China and Russia, have returned home, and his sales have dropped by almost 40 percent.

``Here, 90 percent of the people hanging around are foreigners. Just grab one of them, and it'll most likely be an illegal alien. It's that easy,’’ he said.

On the afternoon this reporter visited, an eerie tension permeated the neighborhood as a group of men appeared from a van, dispersed themselves about the streets and began demanding pedestrians to show their identification cards.

``The town is empty - it feels chilly. The streets were once crowded with people, but now everything has disappeared,’’ said Li Gil-bok, an ethnic Korean born in China who later immigrated to Korea.

Li runs an agency for Chinese workers in Korea, the Korea-China Friendship Association, which campaigns on behalf of its members for due wages or retirement payouts from employers unwilling to shell out.

Offering translation, documentation and counseling services, Li struggles to get by on an income from membership fees of 5,000 won ($5) a month. Membership of the association has dropped in recent months from 1,200 to about 400. ``Now is the worst time of paralysis for everyone. Fish need to live in water, and if there's no water, they die,’’ Li said.

In the good times before the crackdown began, restaurants, grocery stores and international calling card vendors in Wongok-dong enjoyed strong business well into the night, as the streets filled with the boisterous sounds of languages from around the world.

Along with the vibrancy, so has gone the source of income for those who remain. Almost every other restaurant in the area has ``For Lease’’ scrawled forlornly on a piece of paper stuck to the inside of its front window, with contact numbers written below.

As part of its policy to reduce the number of illegal immigrants, the Ministry of Justice has established a voluntary amnesty period for illegal immigrant workers who are ethnic Koreans from China and Russia, allowing them to re-enter legally after spending a year away.

The voluntary registration period that started in March has expedited the exodus of ethnic-Korean Chinese and Russian nationals from Wongok-dong.

Kim Yang-su, the ministry official in charge of managing the illegal immigrant worker problem, said he understands that local businesses are suffering as a result of the crackdown, but remains adamant it needs to continue for the greater good of the country.

An average 400 to 500 people are leaving the country every day under the new registration system implemented in March, he said, with 22,000 people having departed the country so far.

``There is a system allowing for foreigners to be legally employed here, but there are too many who arrive through illegal ways. We hope that they may leave voluntarily and not insist on staying here just because of their personal problems,’’ Kim said.

For Nelson Nwokejiobi, who came to Korea in 2001 after his business in Nigeria collapsed, the government's position is unrealistic because the chances are very slim that his government would ever allow him to receive another visa.

Many of his compatriots were forced to leave with no prospect of later returning.

``I'm asking, begging, the Korean government to reconsider,’’ said Nwokejiobi, whose work permit is to expire in less than two years.

``You see, a lot of us Nigerians have problems (in our home

country) and that's why we come to Korea,’’ he said.

Nwokejiobi gets by on the wages he earns at a factory job in Ansan making the packaging that television sets are sold in. His night shift starts at 7 p.m. and ends at 8 a.m. the following morning, but often stretches to 24 hours when demand calls for it.

``I'm after money. I don't have money. I'm really enjoying my work,’’ he said.


Note: of course nobody is enjoying 13 or 24 hours working time!!!

And of course it must be "illegal"...


No human is illegal! 


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

“부처님 오신날”/파시즘반대(독일)

First of all: the neo-fascist demonstration in Berlin was canceled.

At least 3.500 of them gathered yesterday in the Eastern center of Berlin and wanted to begin their allowed (of course by the state) demo.

But the ruling class - the state and capital - demanded from the “ordinary” people to stop them, because they worried about the German reputation…

So actually they made a “Festival of Democracy” not far away from the gathering point of the fascists. Later in the early afternoon, the police was allowing about thousands of (at least 6.000) anti-fascists to seep in the area between the “democrats” and the fascists. After three hours the cops told the fascists that’s better for them to go home, because violent clashes “cannot be excluded“. So the fascists at 4.30 pm (MET) finished their demo, without to have a demo… (In fact the German government – instead to forbid the demo of the fascists – used the “left-radicals” to finish this…)


The Guardian (U.K.) y'day wrote that:

German Far-Right Rally Protests 'Guilt'

BERLIN (AP) - About 3,000 supporters of an extreme-right party rallied Sunday to lament what they called Germany's ``cult of guilt'' about World War II, but they were kept from marching in downtown Berlin by thousands of counterdemonstrators.

National Democratic Party supporters were ringed by riot police on the Alexanderplatz square and after a several-hour rally agreed to scrap the march through Berlin, police spokesman Bodo Pfalzgraf said. At least 5,000 opponents had headed toward them to block the planned route.

Hundreds of police, including reinforcements from across Germany, separated the two sides. Police said there were no clashes.

Sunday was the anniversary of Nazi Germany's surrender on May 8, 1945. The far-right party, known in Germany as the NPD, dismissed organizers of official remembrances on its Web site as ``occupation collaborators and a group of professional Jews.''

It said the rally was to protest the ``cult of guilt'' it says was imposed on Germany after the Nazi defeat 60 years ago. Many protesters wore all-black and sported shaven heads. Some carried flags in red, white and black - the colors used by the Nazis and imperial Germany.

``This is a disgrace,'' said Interior Minister Otto Schily, who has accused the party of reviving Nazi ideology and symbols.

Police sealed off much of downtown Berlin to prevent clashes and protect the landmark Brandenburg Gate, where mainstream political leaders and about 10,000 spectators attended a ``Day of Democracy'' celebration with music and speeches.

Most Germans consider the Third Reich's surrender to have liberated them as well as the rest of Europe from the terrors of Nazism.

President Horst Koehler, marking the end of World War II in Europe, insisted that neo-Nazis ``have no chance'' today because the vast majority of Germans don't support them.

In a speech in parliament, he said Germans ``look back with shame'' on World War II and the Holocaust.

``We have the responsibility to keep alive the memory of all this suffering and of its causes, and we must ensure it never happens again. There can be no drawing the line.''

``We mourn all of the victims, because we want to do justice to all peoples - including our own.''

Koehler recalled the destruction of German cities by Allied bombing and the expulsion of Germans from eastern Europe at the end of the war, but he also thanked the Allies because they ``gave the Germans a chance after the war.''

``Today, we have good reason to be proud of our country,'' he said.

Originally, the NPD had wanted to march to the Brandenburg Gate and Germany's new Holocaust memorial. Officials refused, citing a new law banning gatherings that insult the memory of Nazi victims, but approved a restricted route.

Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and other top politicians on Sunday attended a wreath-laying at Berlin's monument to the victims of war and Nazism, which contains the remains of an unknown soldier and an unknown concentration camp victim.


But, as I wrote, this is just a "nice" picture for the ruling class and the foreign media.

The reality is this:

Munich: the same day, the same issue. More than 500 people protested against a "memorial" of about 100 fascists and the cops attacked and arrested at least 27 anti-fascists.

This is just the reality in Germany!!


More pictures about the protests and the fascist

rally in Berlin you can see here [a German web site, the first 54 pics: anti-fascist demo and cops, the rest fascists (here you can see more/the first 6 from the anti-fascist demo and cop attacks, the rest from the f... fascists), and so on, and so on...].

Anyway, because of that I can report about y’day’s Lotus Lantern Parade and the street festival before. Actually I just decided to distribute leaflets for MTU, instead to use the video camera for MWTV (my Nepalese and Chinese comrades did). But I shot some photos…



이주노동자 방송...

...in action (interview with a monk from Southwest China, a.k.a. as Tibet)

Nepalese comrades...

...in action

The Nepalese community on stage...

 One of our solidarity groups...

It's just a/our party...

Saris for Koreans...

No comment - empty is empty...

Yeah, kick...

...them all!!!

Flying Korean kids...




Create just your own Buddha-but strange-on the end they are all the same (???)

Ecologically agriculture community

The "Lotus Lantern Parade"...

...(Welcome back in the Middle Ages/feudalism!)...


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

지난날 (報告)


Last Saturday, Feb 12, the solidarity group who is running stopcrackdown.net and 투쟁과 밥 invited us, migrant workers activists for a nice getting-together in the Korea University. There the entire afternoon they offered us self-made food, a lot of different vegetables/salads and many tangerines. It was a real great event! THANX COMRADES! Before yesterday evening/night the weekly Every Monday Solidarity Concert took place. Especially because the nice weather ­ it was a kind of first spring night ­ and the performances it was a very relaxing event. Here just some pictures about both events.

”광고” Tomorrow, Thursday, 7pm ANTI-WAR RALLY/Performance In front of Kyobo B/D (광화문) Just join it(believe it, you will not regret - just see!) LET’S CREATE A REAL ANTI-WAR MASS MOVEMENT!



착취와 억압이 없는 그날을 위해 투쟁

당신이 그걸 원하고 그것을 위해 투쟁한다면 다른 세상은 가능하다, ! 투쟁!

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

어제 광화문 #1

Yeah, it was just a great event!


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

어제 광화문 #2


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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