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  1. 2017/06/28
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  4. 2017/06/26
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  5. 2017/06/25
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  6. 2017/06/24
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  7. 2017/06/23
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  8. 2017/06/23
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  9. 2017/06/22
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  10. 2017/06/22
    [6.20] 大韓民國노동NEWS
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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

다시... 로동신문 vs.中매체

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Chinese Media Slashed for Arrogantly Meddling in Event of Korean Nation

The ties between the north and the south of Korea are now on the track of positive development.

Thanks to the DPRK's proactive proposal and steps, a breakthrough was made toward detente, peace and improvement of the relations between the north and the south and the enthusiasm of the fellow countrymen to hold the Winter Olympics as a successful event of the nation is sweeping the whole Korean Peninsula.

At this time, some media of China, not to be left behind the U.S. and Japan, reactionaries of history, are letting out impudent arguments of individual experts, seriously spoiling the atmosphere for the feast.

The Chinese Central TV Network on Feb. 5 aired an assertion of a vice-researcher of the Institute for Asia-Pacific and World Strategy under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: The DPRK calculated to show an open aspect of the country and improve its international image through the south Korea visit by the president of the Presidium of its Supreme People's Assembly. The international community is expecting the DPRK to show greater sincerity and concession over the denuclearization issue if it truly hopes for promoting the detente on the Korean peninsula. Unless it does so, it will be difficult for the DPRK to attain its purpose.

On the same day, the Global Times of China's People's Daily carried an argument made by a senior research fellow at the China Institute of International Studies that restoring inter-Korean relations without touching on the nuclear issue is unsustainable and fragile.

Earlier in January, some Chinese media made wicked assertions that the sustenance of the atmosphere for detente on the Korean peninsula is closely related to the solution of the "nuclear issue of the DPRK" and that "detente will not last long without common recognition of the denuclearization".

Such incoherent talks heard from Chinese media can not but be retorted as an arrogant act aimed at interference in the internal issue of the Korean nation and an unreasonable logic and sophism ignorant of the essence of the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula.

Obvious is the stand of the DPRK to successfully hold the Winter Olympics as a national event and fully display the dignity and might of the Korean nation and, therefore, this is supported and welcomed by all the fellow countrymen and the international community.

It is only the U.S. and other outsiders who are to blame for the division of the Korean Peninsula and the tension there that stand against the Korean nation working hard to open up a new chapter for peace on the peninsula by its concerted efforts.

China's experts and media, that have touted for "peaceful solution" to the Korean peninsula issue whenever an opportunity presented itself, now shun the present positive development of the situation and are arguing for and against while setting the DPRK's participation in the Winter Olympics against its strategic issue. How can such behavior be interpreted as an act of allegedly "disinterested" neighbors.

This is evidently an act of screwballs feeling dissatisfaction with the north and the south of Korea aspiring after detente and peace, and a mischievous act to reverse and divert the international focus away from the atmosphere for the north-south reconciliation.

It reminds one of a mean fellow looking over the fence of a feast host.

The Winter Olympics has nothing to do with "denuclearization".

As acknowledged by the world, the DPRK's possession of nuclear deterrence was a legitimate option for self-defense reflective of the stern historical lesson and the reality in which the DPRK's sincere efforts for the denuclearization of the whole Korean Peninsula were ignored and the U.S. nuclear threat to the DPRK aimed to destroy its sovereignty and rights to existence and development has daily increased.

At this time, swimming against the atmosphere of peace on the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. is rendering to the extremes the political and military threat and brandishing a fireball after shipping huge aggression forces including all sorts of ultramodern nuclear war weapons to the sky, land and sea, thereby threatening the Winter Olympics and the post-Olympics situation.

If one truly hopes for peace on the Korean Peninsula and regional stability, it is reasonable for one to say what it should do to the trouble-maker U.S.

It is illogical for the Chinese media to absurdly vociferate about "denuclearization", far from saying what it should do.

So, is an event of "denuclearization" ever on the list of the Winter Olympics?

Call a spade a spade. It is very despicable of those Chinese media to mess with their neighbor's event, far from offering congratulations to it.

Ignoring the reality and occasion, they are forcibly linking the issue of "denuclearization" to the Olympics, which cannot be interpreted otherwise than an act aimed to spoil others' feast.

They betrayed the dark intention to distract the international caution focused on them to the DPRK by doggedly standing in the way of creating reconciliation atmosphere between the north and the south of Korea that would have a positive impact on the world peace and the development of the regional situation.

They are trying to hold the issue of inter-Korean relations on nuclear issue leash and use it as leverage for interference.

They, in the long run, left the international community unpleasant feelings that the "initiative and proactive neighboring diplomacy" only seeks interference in the internal affairs of other countries and nations.

Recently they slandered the DPRK's measure for self-defense as "narrow-minded interpretation of outside and self-justified action in the nuclear and missile issue". They also belittled the military capabilities of the DPRK, quoting a "conclusion drawn after inspecting from the south side position in Panmunjom". Now to what extent have they reached.

Some experts and media of China engrossed in admonishing others are now showing the same proclivity as the Trump and Abe groups and the conservative riff-raffs of south Korea marginalized after being isolated and rejected in the world.

Going blind in judging the trend of the times would make one face great disappointment.

Such senseless meddling doesn't fit the appearance of a "power".

Source: Rodong Sinmun, 2.08



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

김여정 @평창 동계올림픽

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Today's top story in the S. Korean media:


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Kim Jong-un's dear[sic!] sister, Kim Yo-jong, is set to become the first member of North Korea's ruling dynasty to set foot in the rival South this week. The Unification Ministry in Seoul announced Wednesday that Kim Yo-jong, presumed to be aged about 30, will be part of a high-ranking government delegation attending the Winter Olympic opening ceremony slated for Friday...(source: Yonhap News Agency)


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PS. Imagine... Next Sunday evening, the last day of her trip to the South, she'll tell her S. Korean minder, "Yo! You know what? I don't wanna see my f*cking dorky brother never again!! I'll stay now in South Korea..."(^^)



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[2.06] 大韓民國노동NEWS

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[2월5일] 노동단신

공공운수노조 교육공무직본부는 5일 오전11시 청와대앞분수대에서 기자회견을 열고 <학교비정규직의 정규직전환정책은 사실상 낙제점>이라며 <전환 심의위 대신 노사당사자간 직접대화로 제대로 된 정규직 전환을 실시하라.>고 촉구했다.


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공공운수노조 우체국시설관리단지부는 5일 오전 서울중구 서울중앙우체국앞에서 기자회견을 열고 <사람답게 살기 위한 최소한의 권리를 보장받기 위해 진짜사장 우정사업본부에 책임을 촉구한다.>며 8일 오전 세종시 우정사업본부앞에서 파업집회를 예고했다.

공공운수노조서경지부 연세대분회는 5일 오후3시 신촌CGV앞에서 기자회견을 열어 <1987년 이한열열사가 선 곳에 2018년 연세대비정규직노동자들이 섰다.>며 <총장은 인원감축·알바대체 등 구조조정문제를 직접 해결하라.>고 촉구했다.

민주연합노조 세스코지부는 5일 현재 85개 지사중 30여개 지사 270여명이 파업중이다.

금속노조한국GM창원비정규직지회는 5일 세종로지스틱과 태진코퍼레이션이 <용역깡패를 동원해 조합원에게 욕설을 하고 사진과 동영상을 촬영하며 도발하고 있다.>며 <명백한 노조파괴 행위>라고 규탄했다.

민주노총은 5일 삼성전자부회장인 <이재용석방판결은 재벌불사와 사법적폐판결의 화룡점정>이며 <대한민국 최대재벌의 오너이자 국정농단의 몸통 범죄자를 박근혜와 최순실의 강요와 협박에 어쩔수없이 승마지원을 해 준 힘없는 피해자로 둔갑시킨 희대의 판결>이라고 규탄했다.

금속노조는 5일 반월공단을 비롯한 소규모제조업 무노조사업장 밀집지역을 중심으로 최저임금 인상을 회피하려는 사용자들의 꼼수가 대대적으로 확산하고 있다고 지적했다.

금속노조광주전남지부 금호타이어지회 및 금호타이어비정규직지회노조원 3백여명은 4일 오후 광주공장정문에서 경영실패의 원인과 임금체불해결·복지회복을 촉구하는 결의대회를 가졌다.

민주노총울산본부는 2일 오후4시 울산시청앞에서 <적폐세력 청산! 근로기준법·최저임금개악 저지! 비정규직철폐·재벌개혁! 노조할권리 쟁취! 2018년 민주노총울산본부투쟁선포대회>를 열고 더불어민주당울산시당사앞까지 행진했다. 

출처: 진보노동뉴스, 2.06


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

드릴 말씀 없습니다..(#43)

"Clear is the stand of the DPRK to ensure that the Winter Olympics is successfully held as a great event of the homogenous nation and to strikingly manifest the dignity and might of the nation..." (source: KCNA, 2.02)

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

전쟁 대신 김치를 하자!(16)

Yesterday's Asia Times(HK/中國) published the following: Fears of US ‘bloody nose’ attack on North Korea on the rise...

On the same day Korea Times wrote that "It seems the United States thinks a precision strike against North Korea is one of its serious options, despite concerns about catastrophic results it might trigger..."(more you can read here)

And today's main topic in Korea Herald: US seriously considering ‘bloody nose’ strategy...



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

2018 평창 올림픽과 北...

Yesterday's Korea Times wrote the following: "'The South Korean government views the Olympics as a stepping stone to build peace and trust with North Korea, offering the regime a chance to show global society it is a normal country,' Moon Chung-in, special adviser to the President, said in a speech at the Paris Institute of Political Studies..."(more you can read here)

North Korea... a normal country??

Here're some characteristics of N. Korea's political system:
- Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
- Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
- Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
- Supremacy of the Military
- Controlled Mass Media
- Obsession with National Security
- Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

PS. These are just some parts of the 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism...(*)

And the S. Korean gov't - at least according to Moon Chung-in(special adviser to the President) - wants, by using the (Pyeongchang Winter)Olympics. to offer the (N. Korean)regime a chance to show [the]global society [that]it is a normal country?? Questions upon questions!!!

* Related articles:

The D.P.R.K.: A 21st Century Fascist State (PPR, 2017.1.29)
Alt-Reich: North Korea and the Far Right (The Diplomat, 2017.7.06)


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[1.30] 민주노총 결의대회

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Today in the afternoon(KST) in central Seoul: about 500 activists, representing dozens of unions, affiliated to the KCTU, joined a struggle rally in front of the gov't complex(nearby Gwanghwamun) to demand - once again - "Minimum wage 10,000 won per hour for all workers!"...


사용자 삽입 이미지사진: 최지은

More impressive pics you'll get here. KCTU's detailed report(in Korean) you can read here.



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

1.30(火): KCTU 결의대회.

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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