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이집트'대중폭동'과 반혁명

Today is the 15th day of the Popular Uprising in Egypt.

But there is a growing number of observers, political "analysts" and Middle East "experts" who are saying that the COUNTER-REVOLUTION is already gaining ground...

For example Joshua Stacher (Assistant Professor of Political Science at Kent State University) wrote y'day the following:

Despite the tenacity, optimism, and blood of the protesters massed in Tahrir Square, Egypt's democratic window has probably already closed.
   Contrary to the dominant media narrative, over the last ten days the Egyptian state has not experienced a regime breakdown. The protests have certainly rocked the system and have put Mubarak on his heels, but at no time has the uprising seriously threatened Egypt's regime. Although many of the protesters... and analysts have concentrated on the personality of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, those surrounding the embattled president, who make up the wider Egyptian regime, have made sure the state's viability was never in question. This is because the country's central institution, the military, which historically has influenced policy and commands near-monopolistic economic interests, has never balked... (in: Egypt's Democratic Mirage, Foreign Affairs)

Also y'day Pepe Escobar wrotes:

As predicted the counter-revolution is on, and brought by the usual suspects; the Egyptian army; Mubarakism's comprador elites; and the triad of Washington, Tel Aviv and European capitals... (in: Counter-revolution brought to you by..., Asia Times)

And today he's stating that "The Egyptian revolution is being dissolved right in front of the world's eyes by an optical illusion" (in: 'Sheik al-Torture' is now a democrat, Asia Times)


But finally, despite some (possibly inevitable under the current "balance of power") setbacks, the forces of the uprising - fighting for political and social liberation - still need our SOLIDARITY!


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이집트'혁명' (국제 연대)

World Trade Unions Mobilising for Democracy in Egypt: February 8 Action Day

Trade unions around the world will join tomorrow a... 


  Day of Action for Democracy in Egypt  


...following a decision by the ITUC General Council meeting in Brussels.

Unions will organise demonstrations at Egyptian embassies, and continue to press their governments to demand democratic transition in Egypt and to ensure that those responsible for the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations are brought to justice.

“We will continue to push the international community to put pressure on the regime of Hosni Mubarak to respect the wishes of the Egyptian people.  Our support for Egypt’s independent trade unions and the other forces for democracy is unwavering, and we are determined that there shall be no impunity for the people responsible for the killings, assaults and intimidation of innocent people,” said ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow.

For more info please check out:


Related article:
Australian unions join global day of action (ATUC, 2.07)

For more labour news from/resp. related to Egypt please check out LabourStart!!

For today's updated news please check out:
Live blog Feb 7 - Egypt protests (al-Jazeera)


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이집트: 反정권투쟁 (#7)

Egypt - Faces of the Uprising



Here you'll get the latest news, reports, pics etc:
The Battle for Egypt (al-Jazeera Special)



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이집트: 反정권투쟁 (#6)

Today is the 10th day of the Popular Uprising in Egypt and the 2nd day of organized


Latest news:

Bursts of heavy gunfire aimed at pro-democracy demonstrators in Cairo's Tahrir Square, left at least five people dead and more than 800 wounded, according to reports from Egyptian television on Thursday.

"The real casualties taken to hospital were 836, of which 86 are still in hospital and there are five dead," Health Minister Ahmed Samih Farid told state television by telephone. According to independent sources: more than 1,500 people were injured since y'day afternoon...

Sustained bursts of automatic weapons fire and powerful single shots began at around around 4am (local time) and was ongoing more than an hour.

Today's gunfire marks an escalation of tensions, which began y'day afternoon when well-organized supporters (incl. hundreds of plain-clothed police and "state security" officers) of the "ruling" regime charged into Tahrir Square - some on horses and camels - clashing with pro-democracy demonstrators gathered there.

The situation right now (3pm, local time) in Cairo: "According to eye witnesses in Abdelmonaem Ryad square next to Tharir square Mubarak loyalists are preparing firebombs to attack protesters in the area", al-Jazeera reports.

3:30pm (local time) Al-Arabiya reports: "Heavy gunfire on bridge leading to Tahrir Square".


For more about today's latest news please check out:
Egypt protests - live updates (Guardian)
Live blog Feb 3 - Egypt protests (al-Jazeera)


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이집트: 反정권투쟁 (#5)

Today is the 9th day of the  UPRISING IN EGYPT

But - to cut a long story short - it seems that today the "ruling" regime wants to smash the uprising by inciting a kind of CIVIL WAR!

1PM(local time in Egypt): "There is a massive fight of some kind of going on right in front of me. I'm assuming that it's pro and anti Mubarak supporters," an eyewitness reported  from Tahrir Square. The security services are just sitting on their tanks watching, he says. "You can't help feeling that it has all been heavily coordinated," he says. "It's an extraordinary turnaround."

2PM(local time in Egypt): "Hundreds of well organized armed (with iron rods, rocks and knifes) pro-Mubarak forces, supported by riot police, are attacking the unarmed anti-gov't protesters", al-Jazeera reports. CNN, at the same time: "The army stays on the sidlines, just watching the battles."

Already in the morning the army ordered the anti-gov't protesters to stop the demonstrations and to go home immediately...

Related reports from the "front Line":
Clashes break out in Tahrir Square (al-Jazeera, 2.02)
Egypt protests - live updates (Guardian, 2.02)




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이집트: 反정권투쟁 (#4)

Today is the 8th day of the


Here (some of) the latest news:

At noon (local time in Egypt) al-Jazeera reported that  "About 1,000,000 people have gathered for the planned  'Million Man March'  (MMM) in the Egyptian capital, calling for Hosni Mubarak, to step down."

Despite the Egyptian "authorities'" attempts to disrupt the anti-gov't protests by blocking the entire public traffic, the country prepared since last night for the MMM expected to leave central Cairo in the afternoon.

Tens of thousands of people arrived at the Tahrir Square since the early morning, joining about 10,000 protesters who violated the curfew and spent the night there.


Many protesters spent the night on the square, unbowed by the presence of troops and tanks

AFP reported in the morning: "Several hundred thousand Egyptians massed Tuesday for the biggest outpouring of anger yet in their drive to oust President Hosni Mubarak, on day eight of a revolt in which an estimated 300 have died".

Meanwhile al-Arabiya reported that "ElBaradei, one of the leaders of the Egyptian uprising, set a deadline for President Hosni Mubarak, calling on him to leave the country by Friday".

"Mubarak will fall!!"

For more updated news please check out
[2.01] Egypt protests - live updates (Guardian)


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2.1(火): 홍익대.촛불집회

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이집트: 反정권투쟁 (#3)

Today is the 6th day of the


Since the early morning: Thousands of anti-government protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square are standing their ground, despite troops firing into the air in a bid to disperse them.


The protestors are complete unsatisfied with the moves "promised" by Mubarak. They're also protesting against the appointment of Intelligence Minister Omar Suleiman as Mubarak's deputy. The demonstrators calling on the two leaders to resign. "Hosni Mubarak and Omar Suleiman, you are both American agents", "Mubarak, Mubarak, your plane awaits you!" they're chanting. 

And the death toll rises. Al-Jazeera reports 150 protesters killed since Friday in Egypt's demonstrations and more than 2000 people were injured until now...



Here you can follow today's developments:
Egypt protests - live updates (Guardian)
Live blog 30/1 - Egypt protests (al-Jazeera)

The Egypt uprising in pictures:
The Egypt Protests (Totally.Cool.Pix, 1.28)
Cairo Protests Escalate (Spiegel.Online, 1.28)


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이집트: 反정권투쟁 (#2)

Today's "Day of Rage and Freedom" in Egypt


Here you can follow the latest updated news:
Protests in Egypt - live updates (Guardian)
Friday protests liveblog (al-Jazeera)
Liveticker zum Aufstand in Ägypten (Spiegel Online)


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이집트: 反정권투쟁 (#1)



Egypt mass protests against the dictatorial Mubarak regime continue into third day despite ban and STATE TERROR!

Today's latest news:

Angry demonstrators in Egypt have torched a police post in the eastern city of Suez as unrest continues to spill over onto the streets of several cities despite a security crackdown. Witnesses told the Reuters news agency that police fled the post before the protesters burned it using petrol bombs on Thursday morning.
   Dozens more gathered in front of a second police post later in the morning demanding the release of their relatives who were detained in unprecedented protests that authorities have failed to quell since Tuesday.
   Meanwhile, activists are clashing with thousands of riot cops in the capital, Cairo, since the early hours of Thursday.
   2:30pm (local time/9:30pm KST): Right now at least 500 protesters clash with riot cops in demonstrations in the Suez Canal city of Ismailia...

Here a summary of yesterday's/last night's "events":

The Interior Ministry warned Wednesday that police would not tolerate any gatherings, and thousands of security forces were out on the streets poised to move quickly against any unrest. Many were plainclothes officers whose leather jackets and casual sweat shirts allowed them to blend in easily with protesters.




Thousands of policemen in riot gear and backed by armored vehicles also took up posts in Cairo, on bridges across the Nile, at major intersections and squares, as well as outside key installations, including the state TV building and the headquarters of Mubarak’s ruling National Democratic Party.

Hussein Megawer, head of the Egyptian Trade Union Federation (ETUF), requested heads of syndicates to thwart any labor demonstrations at this stage.

But despite the official ban by the government on protests and gatherings, running battles between police and anti-government protesters continued.



Activists trying to oust the Egyptian regime played cat-and-mouse with cops on the streets into the early hours of Thursday, as unprecedented protests against Mubarak's 30-year rule entered a third day.

Prominent reform campaigner Mohamed El-Baradei, who lives in Vienna, was expected to return to Egypt on Thursday, an arrival that could galvanize protests that so far have lacked a leader.

At least six protetesters have died in clashes since they erupted on Tuesday. The protests, inspired by a popular revolt in Tunisia and unprecedented during Mubarak's strong-handed rule, have seen police fire rubber bullets and tear gas at demonstrators throwing rocks and petrol bombs.


In central Cairo on Wednesday demonstrators burned tires and hurled stones at police.

In Suez, protesters torched a government building. There, short before, a peaceful gathering turned violent at sunset when protesters threw rocks at a morgue where they were waiting for the body of a man killed a day earlier. Police broke up the crowd with tear gas, rubber bullets and live ammunition fired into the air.

Demonstrations continued well into the night. By the early hours of Thursday, smaller groups of protesters were still assembling in both cities and being chased off by police.

Protesters are promising to hold the biggest demonstrations yet on Friday after weekly prayers.

"Egypt's Muslims and Christians will go out to fight against corruption, unemployment and oppression and absence of freedom," wrote an activist on a Facebook page.

Protesters say they have seen demonstrators dragged away, beaten and shoved into police vans. The Interior Ministry said on Wednesday that 500 had been arrested. Since last night the number indreased to at least 850 people, according to the police. An independent coalition of lawyers said at least 1,500 were detained.


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