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최근 국가발전을 위한 제언 등 국가 정책 전반에 대하여, 건전한 비판적 시각에서 글을 올렸더니, 난리를 치면서, 돈도 없는 거지색히가 네 일이나 신경쓰지 왜 남의 일에 간섭하느냐는 식의 조롱이 만발하고 있습니다. 여기 자유민주주의 대한민국 아닙니까? 자유민주주의란, 건전한 정책비판이 허용되는 나라를 의미하죠. 아니 건전한 비판만이 아니라, 강한 비판, 자유로운 의사표현도 허용되는 것이 바로 민주주의 국가입니다. 여기 지옥입니까?
이는 제가 알고 적는 글이기에 이 Mad Dogs들이 더 경계하고, 짓밟아 뭉개려는 의도에서 입니다. 알고 적는 글과 모르고 줏어 들은 것 가지고 적는 글은 다릅니다. 알고 적으므로 더 무서운 것입니다. 그래서 온갖 악랄한 조롱과 모욕을 가하고, 글을 못 적게하려고 광분하고 있다는 의혹입니다.참 나쁜 사람들입니다. 멀쩡한 놈 하나 쓰레기 폐인 만들어 놓고, 죽이려고 합니다. 그리고는 하는 일마다 조롱하고 모욕하고 잡아 죽이지 못해서 안달 광분을 합니다. 누굴까요?
Be all you can be, and join the project for greater country
They tried to obstruct to uploading on the internet for KBS1, SBS news, because of concerning the copyrights matters.
I don’t understand why the News have a copyrights?;even though it is not drama & movies.
There is no reason to obstruct uploading on the internet, if the news is correct
I think that the News operate for the public, not relating with private copyrights, even though they tried to insist on the reason why to obstructing for the news uploading on the internet. LEE’s people must be very skillful fire foxes, as you know.(mad dogs = layman). Obviously, the news must be open everyone freely.
Why tried to they are obstructing for the News uploading on the internet? It can be proved that the news may be manipulated the image & contents by someone.
I guess that they tried to deceive to me as if the society is controlled by intention of mine outwardly, even though I never get what I want actually.
Because that I see the same accidents going to increase suddenly on the TV news, when I thought that I have got to extremely act on to solve the marriage cheating problem for 7 years mission impossible.
By this ways, they tried to deceive & ridicule to me continually.
I guess that the most of crimes may be occurred by using Ether AVATAR; or put the person into act on the crimes due to mind control state or media manipulation.
Why I never get what I want, if the society is controlled by intention of mine.
It is very strange thing to me, the only affected the crimes?
It is impossible to me that I get benefits for me actually. How much skillful strategy? It seems that I can do everything, excepted benefits for me. Ok and so, they are skillful Mad Dogs.
I hate making a big deal out of it(may be actually non-sense) as if happen to fire at Chinese restaurants.
You need more prudent in your behavior.
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