Main Blog : http://www.cyworld.com/poleades0128
I wish to move to officetel nearby at Han river, and so I ask for them that get promised money for me unconditionally ASAP, because that I have a right to get it.
So many thieves had been taken advantage of me under pretext the marriage fraud by using ether AVATAR of mine last 7 years. And so, of course, I have a right to get the compensation, how do you feel about my suggestion?
미친 개들의 언론 플레이를 보시오. 기가 막힙니다. 당해 봐야 압니다.
They (LEE GUN HEE) tried to obstruct uploading video clip on the internet board such as DAUM communication, it must be crimes.
They afraid to turn out their media manipulation, and so by using hacking tools or change the virtual sever, tried to restrict several internet function for personal computer of mine.
You can see how to media manipulation to ridicule specific person indirectly.
Look at the SBS News, you can see report that a loner who withdrawal from ordinary life committed reported crime.
At least, the report is not related with me outwardly, because it looks like ordinary news which related with social problems.
But, by using this way, they tried to get message for me last 7 years, in other words, it was the best ways in order to nobody notice it.
Also, by using this way, they have a success to tempt me got out home and run into the marriage fraud. Do you understand how to they tried to handle with me? The most of cheating tools for LEE GUN HEE were indirect ways which included with hypnosis and mind control, and brainwashing, telepathy form. It is the SAMSUNG’s way.
LEE GUN HEE & SAMSUNG prefer to never remain any proof evidence.
Also, the loner theme used to the SAMSUNG’s strategy to ridicule to me long time ago. They have so much variable strategies to keep up with the trend of the times. You must be know how to they are skillful fire fox.
They act on as if make a pretense of caring or make a pretense at eagerness to aid me outwardly, even though they tried to disturbing make achieve the goals actually.
The most recent, the broadcasting news begin reporting a flood in the country, also the weather started to get ugly and the rain poured down suddenly, when I criticized the “four major river project”
I think it must be manipulated media in MATRIX, now I’m in invisible prison which built up by the wickedness villains.
I guess that they must be put me into kind of Matrix to deceive & ridicule to me by using ether technologies that floating consciousness of mine or move on another density area.
And so, the only I can see the strange sights or strange things, and strange broadcasting news under nobody see it.(psychic manipulation)
I explain it; by using the skillful cheating method to move consciousness of mine to another region such as MATRIX, because that they are aimed that I’m under illusion. And so, as a result of illusion, cognitive abilities of mine are controlled by the wickedness villains. It is the same as Mind control.
But it is different from general mind control by using electronics equipment. I guess that LEE’s people tried to manipulated ether density(used unknown ether magic) & unknown bionics technologies (used bionics chip to mind control) or unknown black occults (same as Ether Magic, maybe the wickedness aliens or dark circle’s unidentified being, not human or study for devil’s occults, imagine the freemason or Bilderberg)
비열한 놈들입니다. 여자와 성관계를 못하게 하고, 정상적인 삶을 살지 못하게 한 후, 채워지지 못하는 욕망과 외롭고 힘든 지옥의 삶 속에서, 섹스의 쾌감을 주는 수법으로 유인하여, 사람을 조져 놓은 것입니다. 개만도 못한 놈들입니다. 비열하고 추잡한 놈들입니다. 도대체 어떻게 이토록 비열할 수 있다는 말인가? 이게 이건희라고 하는 자의 정체입니다. 정정당당하게 싸우란 말이다.
Also, they want to another people regard me as a mentally deranged person or strange person, because that most of people don’t know this kind of secret abilities or technologies.
Please investigate attached photograph, maybe it’s the proof evidence.
Be sure to finish the dirty game and return me normal human society.
And so, they reply it to me as ridicule or deal with beggar, when I ask for them that get promised gift for me unconditionally ASAP. Please look attached photograph.
Of course, it was shown up support north Korea outwardly. Do you understand it?
And so, they reply it to me as ridicule or deal with beggar, when I ask for them that get promised gift for me unconditionally ASAP. Please look attached photograph.
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