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게시물에서 찾기2006/09/23

2개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2006/09/23
    차베스 유엔 연설 실황 일부 (영문 더빙)
    Barrio Adentro
  2. 2006/09/23
    차베스 유엔 연설문 (영문)(3)
    Barrio Adentro

차베스 유엔 연설 실황 일부 (영문 더빙)

President Hugo Chavez - United Nations - Sept. 2006


출처: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caLt8P5gp9U

폭스뉴스 버전 (좀 더 김): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_fcABIpm4c

부시 연설: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_Tep4xtEgU

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

차베스 유엔 연설문 (영문)

공식 번역문입니다.


Caracas, September 20, 2006

Hugo Chávez Frías
President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Message to the UN and the people of the world.

President Chávez: Madame President, Excellencies, Heads of State,
Heads of Governments, and high ranking government representatives
from around the world. A very good day to you all.

First of all, with much respect, I would like to invite all of
those, who have not had a chance, to read this book that we have
read: Noam Chomsky, one of the most prestigious intellectuals of
America and the world. One of Chomsky's most recent works: Hegemony
or Survival? America's Quest for Global Dominance. An excellent
piece to help us understand what happened in the world during the
20th century, what is going on now and the greatest threat looming
over our planet: the hegemonic pretension of US Imperialism that
puts at risk the very survival of the human species. We continue to
warn about this danger and call on the people of the US and the
world to halt this threat that is like the sword of Damocles.

I intended to read a chapter, but for the sake of time, I will leave
it as a recommendation. It's a fast read. It's really good Madame
President, surely you are familiar with it. It is published in
English, German, Russian, and Arabic (applause). Look, I think our
brothers and sisters of the United States should be the first
citizens to read this book because the threat is in their own house.
The Devil is in their home. The Devil, the Devil himself is in their

The Devil came here yesterday (laughter and applause). Yesterday the
Devil was here, in this very place. This table from where I speak
still smells like sulfur. Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, in this
same hall the President of the United States, who I call "The
Devil," came here talking as if he owned the world. It would take a
psychiatrist to analyze the US president's speech from yesterday.

As the spokesperson for Imperialism he came to give us his recipes
for maintaining the current scheme of domination, exploitation and
pillage of the world's people. It would make a good Alfred Hitchcock
movie. I could even suggest a title: "TheDevil's Recipe." That is to
say, US Imperialism, and here Chomsky says it with profound and
crystalline clarity, is making desperate efforts to consolidate its
hegemonic system of domination. We cannot allow this to occur, we
cannot permit them to install a world dictatorship, to consolidate a
world dictatorship.

The speech of the tyrannical president of the world was full of
cynicism, full of hypocrisy. It is this imperial hypocrisy with
which he attempts to control everything. They want to impose upon us
the democratic model they devised, the false democracy of elites.
And moreover, a very original democratic model imposed with
explosions, bombings, invasions, and cannon shot. That's some
democracy! One would have to review the thesis of Aristotle and of
the first Greeks who spoke of democracy to see what kind of model of
democracy is imposed by marines, invasions, aggressions and bombs.

The US president said the following yesterday in this same hall, I
quote: "everywhere you turn, you hear extremists who tell you that
you can escape your misery and regain your dignity through violence
and terror and martyrdom." Wherever he looks he sees extremists. I
am sure he sees you, brother, with your skin color, and thinks you
are an extremist. With his color, the dignified President of Bolivia
Evo Morales, who was here yesterday, is an extremist. The
imperialists see extremists all around. No, its not that we are
extremists. What is happening is that the world is waking up and
people everywhere are rising up. I have the impression Mr.
Imperialist dictator that you will live the rest of your days as if
in a nightmare, because no matter where you look we will be rising
up against US imperialism. Yes, they call us extremists, we who
demand complete freedom in the world, equality among peoples and
respect for national sovereignty. We are rising up against the
Empire, against the model of domination.

Later, the president said, "Today I'd like to speak directly to the
people across the broader Middle East: My country desires peace."
That is certain. If we walk the streets of the Bronx, if we walk
through the streets of New York, Washington, San Diego, California,
any city, San Antonio, San Francisco and we ask the people on the
street: the people of the US want peace. The difference is that the
government of this country, of the US, does not want peace; it wants
to impose its model of exploitation and plundering and its hegemony
upon us under threat of war. That is the little difference.

The people want peace and, what is happening in Iraq? And what
happened in Lebanon and Palestine? And what has happened over the
last 100 years in Latin America and the world and now the threats
against Venezuela, new threats against Iran? He spoke to the people
of Lebanon, "Many of you have seen your homes and communities caught
in crossfire." What cynicism! What capacity to blatantly lie before
the world! The bombs in Beirut launched with milimetric precision
are "crossfire"? I think that the president is thinking of those
western movies where they shoot from the hip and someone ends up
caught in the middle.

Imperialist fire! Fascist fire! Murderous fire! Genocidal fire
against the innocent people of Palestine and Lebanon by the Empire
and Israel. That is the truth. Now they say that they are upset to
see homes destroyed.

In the end, the US president came to speak to the people, and also
to say, "I brought some documents Madame President." This morning I
was watching some of the speeches while updating mine. He spoke to
the people of Afghanistan, to the people of Lebanon, to the people
of Iran. One has to wonder, when listening to the US president speak
to those people: what would those people say to him? If those people
could talk to him, what would they say? I think I have an idea
because I know the souls of the majority of those people, the people
of the South, the downtrodden peoples would say: Yankee imperialist
go home! That would be the shout that would echo around the world,
if these people of the world could speak with only one voice to the
US Empire.

Therefore, Madame President, colleagues, and friends, last year we
came to this same hall, as we have for the past eight years, and we
said something that today is completely confirmed. I believe that
almost no one in this room would stand up to defend the system of
the United Nations. Lets admit with honesty, the UN system that
emerged after WWII has collapsed, shattered, it doesn't work. Well,
ok. To come here and give speeches, and visit with one another once
a year, yes, it works for that. And to make long documents and
reflect and listen to good speeches like Evo's yesterday, and
Lula's, yes, for that it works. And many speeches, like the one we
just heard by the president of Sri Lanka and of the president of
Chile. But we have converted this Assembly into a mere deliberative
organ with no kind of power to impact in the slightest way the
terrible reality the world is experiencing. Therefore we again
propose here today, September 20, [2006] to re-found the United
Nations. Last year Madame President, we made four modest proposals
that we feel are in urgent need of being adopted by the Heads of
State, Heads of Government, ambassadors and representatives. And we
discussed these proposals.

First: expansion. Yesterday Lula said the same, the Security
Council, its permanent as well as its non- permanent seats, must
open up to new members from developed, underdeveloped and Third
World countries. That's the first priority.

Second: the application of effective methods of addressing and
resolving world conflicts. Transparent methods of debate and of
making decisions.

Third: the immediate suppression of the anti-democratic veto
mechanism, the veto power over Security Council decisions, seems
fundamental to us and is being called for by all. Here is a recent
example, the immoral veto by the US government that freely allowed
Israeli forces to destroy Lebanon, in front of us all, by blocking a
resolution in the UN Security Council.

Fourthly: as we always say, it is necessary to strengthen the role,
the powers of the general secretary of the United Nations. Yesterday
we heard the speech of the general secretary, who is nearing the end
of his term. He recalled that in these ten years the world has
become more complicated and that the serious problems of the world,
the hunger, poverty, violence, and violation of human rights have
been aggravated, this is a terrible consequence of the collapse of
the UN system and of US imperialist pretensions.

Madame President, recognizing our status as members, Venezuela
decided several years ago to wage this battle within the UN with our
voice, our modest reflections. We are an independent voice,
representing dignity and the search for peace, the formulation of an
international system to denounce persecution and hegemonic
aggression against people worldwide. In this way Venezuela has
presented its name. The homeland of Bolívar has presented its name
as a candidate for a non-permanent seat on the Security Council. Of
course you all know that the US government has begun an open attack,
an immoral global attack in an attempt to block Venezuela from being
freely elected to occupy the open seat on the Security Council. They
are afraid of the truth. The empire is afraid of the truth and of
independent voices. They accuse us of being extremists.
They are the extremists.

I want to thank all countries that have announced your support for
Venezuela, even when the vote is secret and it is not necessary for
anyone to reveal their vote. But I think that the open aggression of
the US Empire has reinforced the support of many countries, which in
turn morally strengthened Venezuela, our people, our government.

Our brothers and sisters of MERCOSUR, for example, as a block, have
announced their support for Venezuela. We are now a full member of
MERCOSUR along with Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay. Many other
countries of Latin America, such as Bolivia and all the CARICOM
nations have pledged their support to Venezuela. The entire Arab
League has announced its support for Venezuela. I thank the Arab
world, our brothers of the Arab world and of the Caribbean. The
African Union, nearly all of the African Union countries have
pledged their support for Venezuela and other countries like Russia,
China and many others across the globe. I thank you all deeply in
the name of Venezuela, in the name of our people and in the name of
truth, because Venezuela, upon occupying a seat on the Security
Council will not only bring to it the voice of Venezuela, but also
the voice of the Third World, the voice of the peoples of the
planet. There we will defend dignity and truth.

Despite all this Madame President, I think there are reasons to be

Hopelessly optimistic, as a poet would say, because beyond the
threats, bombs, wars, aggressions, preventative wars, and the
destruction of entire peoples, one can see that a new era is
dawning. Like Silvio Rodríguez sings, "the era is giving birth to a
heart." Alternative tendencies, alternative thoughts, and youth with
distinct ideas are emerging. In barely a decade it has been
demonstrated that the End of History theory was totally false. The
establishment of the American Empire, the American peace, the
establishment of the capitalist, neoliberal model that generates
misery and poverty— all totally false. The thesis is totally false
and has been dumped. Now the future of the world must be defined.
There is a new dawning on this planet that can be seen everywhere:
in Latin America, Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania. I want to highlight
that vision of optimism to fortify our conscience and our will to
fight to save the world and construct a new world, a better world.

Venezuela has joined this struggle and for this we are threatened.
The US has already planned, financed and launched a coup in
Venezuela. And the US continues to support coup plotters in
Venezuela. And they continue supporting terrorism against Venezuela.
President Michel Bachellet recalled a few days ago… pardon, I mean a
few minutes ago… the terrible murder of the former Chilean Foreign
Minster Orlando Letelier. I would only add the following: the guilty
parties are free. Those responsible for that deed, in which a US
citizen was also killed, are North Americans of the CIA. Terrorists
of the CIA.

In addition, we here in this room must remember that in a few days
it will be the 30th anniversary of that murder and of the horrible
terrorist attack that blew up a Cubana de Aviación airplane in mid-
flight killing 73 innocent people. And where is the worst terrorist
of this continent, who admitted to being the intellectual author of
the airplane sabotage? He was in prison in Venezuela for some years,
but he escaped with the complicity of CIA officials and the
Venezuelan government of that time. Now he is here living in the US,
protected by the government even though he was convicted and he
confessed. The US government has a double standard and protects

These reflections are to demonstrate that Venezuela is committed to
the fight against terrorism, against violence and works togetherwith
all people who struggle for peace and for a just world.

I spoke of the Cuban airplane. Luis Posada Carriles is the name of
that terrorist. He is protected here just like the corrupt fugitives
who escaped Venezuela. A group of terrorists who planted bombs in
embassies of various countries, murdered innocent people during the
coup and kidnapped this humble servant. They were going to execute
me, but God reached out his hand, along with a group of good
soldiers, and the who people took to the streets. It's a miracle
that I'm here. The leaders of that coup and those terrorist acts are
here, protected by the US government. I accuse the US government of
protecting terrorism and of giving a completely cynical speech.
Speaking of Cuba, we went happily to Havana. We were there several
days. During the G-15 Summit and the NAM Summit the dawning of a new
era was evident with an historic resolution and final document.
Don't worry. I am not going to read it all. But here is a collection
of resolutions made in open discussion with transparency. With more
than 50 Heads of State, Havana was the capital of the South for a

We have re-launched the Non-Aligned Movement. And if there is
anything I could ask of you all, my brothers and sisters, it is to
please lend your support to the strengthening of the NAM, which is
so important to the emergence of a new era, to preventing hegemony
and imperialism. Also, you all know that we have designated Fidel
Castro as President of the NAM for the next three years and we are
sure that compañero President Fidel Castro will fulfill the post
with much efficiency. Those who wanted Fidel to die, well, they
remain frustrated because Fidel is already back in his olive green
uniform and is now not only the President of Cuba but also the
President of NAM.

Madam President, dear colleagues, presidents, a very strong movement
of the South emerged there in Havana. We are men and women of the
South. We are bearers of these documents, these ideas, opinions, and
reflections. I have already closed by folder and the book that I
brought with me. Don't forget it. I really recommend it. With much
humility we try to contribute ideas for the salvation of the planet,
to save it from the threat of imperialism, and god willing soon.
Early in this century, god willing, so that we ourselves can see and
experience with our children and grandchildren a peaceful world,
under the fundamental principles of the UN, renewed and relocated. I
believe that the UN must be located in another country, in a city of
the South. We have proposed this from Venezuela. You all know that
my medical personnel had to stay locked up in the airplane. The
Chief of my security is locked on the plane. They would not let them
come to the UN. Another abuse and outrage, Madame President, that we
request to be registered personally to the sulfurous Devil. But God
is with us.

A warm embrace and may God bless us all.

Good day.

(Original)Translation by Dawn Gable

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