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게시물에서 찾기2006/11/27

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  1. 2006/11/27
    에콰도르 대통령 선거, 좌파 승리 예측
    Barrio Adentro

에콰도르 대통령 선거, 좌파 승리 예측

Ecuador: Polls give leftist victory

QUITO, Ecuador, Nov. 26 (UPI) -- Three exit polls gave leftist candidate Rafael Correa a victory in Ecuador's run-off presidential race, El Comercio reported online Sunday.


Economist Correa polled 57 percent of the vote while conservative banana magnate Alvaro Noboa polled 43 percent, the newspaper said.


Correa campaigned on a promise to renegotiate some foreign oil contracts and said he would reconsider whether Ecuador would pay off some of its foreign debt.

Noboa promised to bring more foreign investment to the country.


세 개의 출구조사 결과 좌파 후보인 Correa 57%, 우파 후보 Alvaro 43%의 득표가 예측된다는 기사입니다.

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