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11.21 Nepal Peace Agreement


To end the civil war that raged for more than 10 years the Communist Party of Nepal [Maoist/CPN(M)] signed a peace deal with the government on Tuesday night, with a pledge to lock up their guns, at least for now, and let voters decide the future of the country.


11.22, Kids in Kathmandu celebrating the Peace Accord


Everywhere in the world the political "leaders", even the S.K. government (*), praised the agreement as a "new beginning for a bright future" for the South-Asian country.


But actually it's not really clear if the "People's War" now is on its very end.


At least after I read an Interview in the German "socialist" daily Junge Welt (11.23) with Dinanath Sharma, a member of the CPN(M) central committee (I met him nearly 4 weeks ago in Berlin on a meeting and I was a kind disappointed because except some empty political statements he had nothing new to say, especially about the current situation in Nepal).

Asked if a in the future Nepal will have a multiple-party-system (mps) he answered: "Yes, after we smashed all fuedal and capitalist structures, there will be a mps, formed by all anti-feudal and anti-imperialist forces." (**)


But please remember the interview by Daily Telegraph with CPN(M) chairman Prachanda (http://blog.jinbo.net/CINA/?pid=979).. And there was nothing written about "smashing all .. capitalist structures".

But actually it might mean that either comrade Sharma don't know what's going on in his party, or that there are already (at least) two complete different political lines in the party and perhaps also in the PLA. And this, perhaps, is not a good base for a "bright furure", not really..


Anyway, here you can read a NYT/IHT article about the agreement:

Maoist rebels sign peace deal in Nepal 


Here a statement by Gefont (General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions):



And finally here you can read the entire text of the "Comprehensive Peace Accord":




* S. Korea welcomes Nepali peace accord (Yonhap)


** The entire interview (in German^^) you can read here:




Just let's see what will bring the future!!






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