사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기


One week ago Yoon Jang-ho, a Sgt. in the S. Korean unit of the int'l occupation forces in Afghanistan, was killed by a suicide attack.



Yesterday in front of Seoul's Dong-A building about 200(?) "anti-war" activists staged a vigil to mourn his dead and to protest against the S.K. policy of joining the occupation forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.





윤장호 하사 추모 촛불문화제



Meanwhile the S.K. "Anti-war" movement is calling for the main demo against the Iraq war (3.17) - and is using Yoon Jang-ho's case:




But.. just read

Sgt. Yoon Jang-ho: A Life of Duty (Chosun Ilbo).. and so on..


Yoon wanted to go to Afghanistan. As a (occupation) soldier he had the duty to KILL!

And he was ready to kill! But he was killed by the "enemies"! So, ..what?? BTW the war in Afghanistan, like in Iraq is just the struggle between several gangs of war criminals!! And everyone who wants to take a part in this struggle must live with it ..and possibly die!!









진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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