사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

香港 1997-2007


Today, Hong Kong(中華人民共和國香港特別行政區) will have been under Chinese "rule" for ten years. "Can the capitalist pearl (*) continue to shine under Communist Party rule?", the German (bourgeois!!!) magazine Der Spiegel asked.


Hong Kong Reinvents Itself, Yet Again (Der Spiegel, 6.29)

The red mailboxes with the image of the British crown were removed, the last batch of stamps with the likeness of Queen Elizabeth II was printed and 1,200 portraits of the monarch were removed from government offices. All evidence of the Queen had been removed by the time the final act began, exactly 10 years ago: Britain's farewell ceremony in Hong Kong, the colonial power's grandest goodbye.

July 1 marks the 10th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China.
Many wept when the Union Jack was lowered for the last time. Chris Patten, the last British governor, who had introduced democracy at the last minute in Hong Kong after around 150 years of colonialism and who was disparaged in Beijing as a "whore" in return for the gesture, fought back his tears while his wife and their three daughters wept freely. Even Prince Charles, the guest of honor, pressed a handkerchief to his eyes as he boarded the royal yacht, the "Britannia," turning around to wave one last time.

It was shortly after midnight on July 1, 1997 when the representatives of the old order left Hong Kong, whose name means "fragrant harbor." The jewel of the Empire, with its $69 billion in foreign currency reserves, was handed over to the communist rulers of the People's Republic of China, the most sumptuous dowry since Cleopatra. The symbolism of the moment could hardly hide its historic significance, heralding the decline of an old world power and the rise of a new one.


Please read the full (very long: 6 parts) report here!




* Where at least 1 Million people (from 6.7 Million citizens)..

 ..are living in extreme poverty!!




More articles/reports about the "re-unification":

CNN's interactive Special

Ten years after Hong Kong returned to Chinese control (Guardian)

Hong Kong's democrats worry.. (IHT)

Thriving Hong Kong capitalism in Communist embrace


HK bourgeois media:

十年.. (明報 special)

十年.. (文匯報 special)


10th Anniversary.. (Special Report/Gov't of the P.R. of China)

HK: Mass rally...


..and swimming for democracy



1967, Hong Kong Uprising

History of Hong Kong





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