사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

北朝鮮: 수해 현장..

About the latest devastating disaster in the DPRK (aka N. Korea), caused by one of the "Workers' Paradise's" main enemies (beside the US Imperialism!!!) - THE WEATHER, KCNA reported y'day:

Huge Damage by Torrential Rain (*)

The torrential rain that hit the DPRK from August 7 has persisted, causing huge human and material damage.


Pyeongyang (8.12), almost drowned in the Daedong-gang..


According to the preliminary information available from different parts of the country as of August 12, the torrential rain left hundreds of persons dead or missing and destroyed more than 30,000 houses for over 63,300 families or rendered them inundated.

It also left tens of thousands of hectares of farmland inundated, buried under silt and washed away. The heavy rain destroyed at least 800 public buildings, over 540 bridges, 70 sections of railroads and at least 1,100 vehicles.. 

The torrential rain struck Kangwon Province, claiming huge casualties and completely or partly destroying houses for more than 20,000 families or leaving them inundated.

The heavy rain that hit North Hwanghae Province all of a sudden destroyed houses for more than 3,400 families, left at least 9,160 houses inundated and more than 13,000 hectares of farmland inundated, buried under silt and washed away.

In South Hamgyong Province houses for more than 8,000 families were completely destroyed or inundated and over 9,000 hectares of farmland were inundated, buried under silt and washed away.

The torrential rain also hit South Phyongan Province, causing river and stream dikes to collapse. This left a large area of farmland inundated and washed away and destroyed houses and public buildings, roads and railways.

Pyongyang and South Hwanghae Province were also hit hard by the torrential rain.

The material damage so far is estimated to be very big. This unceasing heavy rain destroyed the nation's major railways, roads and bridges, suspended power supply and cut off the communications network.




 P.Y., 8.12 (source of the pics: N.K. Central TV)


Related articles:

Hundreds dead.. from week-long heavy rain in N. Korea (Yonhap, 8.14)

North Korea's Rainfall Damage Is Serious (DailyNK)

N Korea floods 'kill hundreds' (al-Jazeera)

DPRK Hit by Unceasing Torrential Rain (KCNA)



* 수백명이 사망,행방불명 63,300여세대가 파괴,침수
(평양 8월 13일발 조선중앙통신)조선에서 7일부터 련일 내리는 무더기비로 하여 많은 인적, 물질적피해가 발생하였다.

12일까지 초보적으로 종합된 자료에 의하면 이번 무더기비로 수백명이 사망 및 행방불명되고 30,000여동에 63,300여세대의 살림집이 파괴 및 침수되였다.

또한 수만정보의 농경지가 침수, 매몰, 류실되였으며 800여동의 공공건물과 540여개소의 다리, 70개소의 철길로반, 1,100여대의 륜전기재, 양수기, 전동기들이 파괴되였다.

강원도에서는 많은 인명피해가 나고 20,000여세대의 살림집이 완전 및 부분파괴되고 침수되였다.

황해북도에서는 갑자기 들이닥친 강한 폭우로 3,400여세대의 살림집이 파괴되였으며 9,160여동이 침수되고 13,000여정보의 농경지가 침수, 매몰, 류실되였다.

함경남도에서는 8,000여세대의 살림집이 완전 파괴,침수되고 9,000여정보의 농경지가 침수, 매몰, 류실되였으며 평안남도에서는 강하천제방들이 터져 많은 토지와 살림집, 공공건물, 도로, 철길이 파괴되였다.

평양시와 황해남도에서도 피해가 크다.

나라의 중요 철길과 도로, 다리들이 끊어지고 전력공급이 중단되였으며 통신망이 좌절되는 등 물질적피해가 막대하다.





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