사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

Today’s Afternoon Entertainment

For todays 4.18 Link(Liberation in N. Korea) (Is there any?) and Ehwa Dream invited for the North Korea awareness day.

First checking the exhibition in students hall: just flattest propaganda, such as the famous-notoriously drawn picture about the butchered child (“Father, you want the lunch more spicy, or not?”, see the 2nd pic) or, also drawn by unknown “artists” about executions. The entire was added with a lot of religious trash.

Following in the building, which looks like a factory, a movie about some executions, recently smuggled out of the North. And than something about North Korean refugees in China – actually nothing new. The last was a Q&A with young female NK refugee, was a kind of interesting, because she reported convincingly about her experiences before she fled to China and later to Mongolia, now she is since five years in the South.

The final event: some kind of lecture by Ms. Kim (wow, what a surprise) from an anti-North group (“Democracy Network Against NK Gulag”) about how we can be happy to life in the South, how beautiful the democracy works and how nice the police (yeah the cops) is here (I know some people they see this complete different!!). Really terribly and even the young woman from the North felt annoyed.

After all: not a real nice afternoon performance, especially when I had to learn, that the “event” could be realized without any protest from student activists from Ehwa University. And actually the afternoon started for me really nice, but this is another story…


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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