- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
Last week, Monday and Tuesday(8.20/21), an "International Conference on Defending and Promoting the Basic Rights of Migrant Workers" (labour union/migrant workers' activists from Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, Spain, Nepal and South Korea participated) took place in Seoul. Today MTU(8.27) published the first contributions:
For more please read:
☞ International Conference to Defend and Promote the Rights of Migrant Workers in South Korea
The final resolution of the conference/meeting you can read here
A Korean report you can read here:
☞ 이주노동자 노동권 쟁취 위한 국제회의 열려 (이주노동자방송국)
최근 덧글 목록