사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

中'공산'당 17차당대회


The 17th National Congress of the

"Communist" Party of China


The first/newest articles/comments in the int'l media about the "event" 

you can read here:

How bourses bring democracy to China (Asia Times/HK, 10.17)

Growth is not our only goal, Hu tells Chinese (Guardian/UK, 10.16)

Beijing bluster (Guardian - free comment)

China society far from harmonious (al-Jazeera)

For the latest ("news") about the congress please check out following:

The 17th National Congess of the "Communist" Party of China

중국"공산"당 17차당대회



And last but not least..

Congratulations to 17th Congress of CPC (KCNA, 10.16)

The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea on October 14 sent a congratulatory message to the 17th Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The message said the CPC, over the last five years following the 16th Congress, set forth the principle of people first and governance for the people, a view on scientific development, the construction of a harmonious socialist society and other new lines and policies and powerfully aroused all the people in the work to put them into practice, thereby opening an important phase of the cause of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics and has achieved great successes in the struggle to reunify the whole country and defend global peace.

We rejoice over the achievements made by the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC with Hu Jintao as its General Secretary and sincerely hope that everything would go well in China in the future, the message said, expressing the belief that the traditional DPRK-China friendship would grow stronger in keeping with the desire and interests of the two parties and two peoples... And so on, and so on... bla, bla, bla... 


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