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노 정부 vs 이주노조 #5

Hey, possibly you remember Mao Zedong's significant (^^) sentence "When your enemy is fighting you - that's good and not bad"!!
In today's
Korea Times you can read following main headline on its front page: "NGO Seeks to Drive Out Illegal Aliens". (*)

Harr, harr, harr... After the S.K. gov't started its last massive attacks against the un-documented migrant workers in general and against MTU in particular the S.K. "civil society" wants also to take action. A so-called "civil organization" - the "Movement of Extradition of Illegal Workers" - plans to launch from next week a "campaign to expel all illegal aliens" (i.e. un-documented migrant workers). The first "highlight" of the campaign will be a demonstration on coming Tuesday (12.18) in front of the Immigration Office in Seoul/Mok-dong.

Well, let's stop with joking!!  Because, in my opinion, it's a very critical development! Likely you know that these kind of "N"GO's are very close connected with the most reactionary political groups in the S.K. society and, more important in governmental bodies, such as the Ministry of "Justice", Police Department, Immigration Office etc..

So the planned campaign - "Drive Out All Illegal Alliens!" - can/will teach us a lesson how the coming gov't (doubtless led by Lee Myung-bak and his reactionary GNP) will act against migrant workers in S.K. and especially against a struggling MTU!!!

Yesterday's K. Times reported that the Korean Human Right Commission is demanding (gee.. better said just lamenting about) "human rights" for migrant workers. But most important, KHRC legitimizes the "right" by the S.K. gov't to hunt, arrest and deport (un-documented) migrant workers: "We are not asking them not to crack down illegal immigrants", the "human right" body stated according to K. Times. (**)

*    NGO Seeks to Drive Out Illegal Aliens  
** ..Call for More Protection of Immigrants’ Rights


Other stuff, related to the current struggle of MTU: 

[12.9] Migrant Workers' Demo in Seoul (video documentary by MWTV, 12.11)

[12.9] Migrant Workers' Demo in Daegu (two video documentaries)

And last but not least: This month's alternative Canadian radio "No One Is Illegal" has a longer interview with Mahbub (MWTV) on a bunch of topics: the MTU arrests, migrants issues in Korea, MWTV and more. You can download the whole show or just that segment of the show here:







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