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민주노동당.. #3

About the latest developments in the DLP today's Korea Times is reporting following:

Progressive(*) Labor Party Seeks Image Makeup

The Democratic Labor Party (DLP) will seek to break its Pyongyang-friendly image as part of efforts to end an internal feud, the head of the party's emergency committee said Monday.

Rep. Sim Sang-jeung, who temporarily leads the party after its leaders resigned en masse to take responsibility for the party's defeat in December's presidential election, stressed that she will also try to revamp the DLP.

``I will reform obsolete factors in the party without any exception and accept criticisms from the public to renew the DLP,'' Sim told a press conference at the National Assembly. ``The party will also stand as a responsible, peace-seeking party breaking the image of being pro-North Korea.''

Sim added that the party will become a progressive one for all the people as well as workers while keeping its distance from the unions on which the party used to depend.

The left-leaning party has suffered an internal feud following its defeat in the Dec. 19 presidential election.

Its candidate Kwon Young-ghil got only three percent of the vote, even lower than his standing in the 2002 election, and also that of independent runner Lee Hoi-chang and underdog Moon Kook-hyun.

Taking responsibility for the defeat, party leaders stepped down on Dec. 29 and the party launched the emergency committee to lead the party until new leaders are picked.

However, two major factions in the party are still blaming each other for the election result.

A faction called the equalitarian group which is more concentrated on labor issues criticized the larger faction, called the independence group, for its biased political leaning cornering the party into crisis.

The mainstream group, which takes a more critical stance toward the United States and is favorable toward North Korea, on the other hand, slammed the opponents, saying its groundless claim is disrupting the party.

As the feud gets deeper, rumors have it that either of the two groups may leave the DLP.

Sim, on whom party members lay hope for party unity, said she will seek to adjust the party platform on the North Korea issue and unification as well as end the factional feud...


* "progressive.."??? hmmm~ very doubtful!!

Related stuff:

DLP.. #1

DLP.. #2

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