- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
Few weeks ago a found a web site with some very beautiful pictures from Gaeseong (Kaesong/DPRK):
자남산에서 바라본 개성 옛도시
아름다운 작은 집/한옥
관음사 대웅전(觀音寺 大雄殿) 내부
Like everywhere in NK, also in Gaeseong: Big Brother Is Watching You!
But Gaeseong isn't just a really beautiful city, it's also - how A. Lankov yesterday wrote in Asia Times - "a breach in DPRK's iron curtain"..
Well, if you want to learn more about the reason why.. Please check out following stuff:
☞ A breach in North Korea's iron curtain (A. Times, 2.07)
☞ Eager S. Koreans Tour a Semi-Open City in the North (NYT, 1.04)
Somehow related:
☞ Bribery Required to Work in Kaesong (DailyNK, 2.04)
☞ 개성 관광
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