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[8.2] '..촛불문화제'

About y'day's anti-GWB/MB  K. Herald and K. Times "reported" only in few words. Well, according to S.K. "independent" sources - such as NewsCham, VoP.. - at most 5000 people participated in the protest, because it was (likely) just a "rehearsal" for coming Tuesday's mass demo against Bush (GWB) who will visit Lee Myung-bak (MB) - his new friend in the S.K. presidential office.

But as we could see in the comments to K. Times' "report" about y'day's protest Scott B. - once again - became an eye-witness and (likely) very angry...

So he commented: "Since the reporter wasn't there, there is no mention of how the protesters attacked a normal citizen in Myong-dong who disagreed with them, an increasingly disturbing pattern amongst these lunatics. They also blocked the main road in front of Myong-dong Station for an hour, causing great inconvenience for buses and regular motorists. Why can't these people just protest at Ch'onggye Plaza, instead of blocking roads every weekend? Is this BS going to happen for the next 4.5 years?"

And he wrote an own, really impressive(^^) report about last night's events. And - surprise, surprise!! - his report isn't positive, not really:

Another Saturday Night in Chongno Redux

Very "impressive" here: the part where he turned from a observer to an "activist", by calling the cops ("..I'm going to have to go complain to the police," and immediately walked over to one of the traffic police in the street..)!!

But Scott B's (strange) reports are actually nothing against some "pieces of advice" for the S.K. police
("A. SUGGESTIONS FOR CHANGES TO POLICE OPERATIONS"), included in following contributions/"analyses" by ROK Drop:

Predictions for Future Protests (Part I)

Predictions for Future Protests (Part II)

Predictions for Future Protests (Part III)
Well, even it's really hard stuff (f.. long articles) you MUST READ it, to "enjoy" it!!






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