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용산학살: 용역깡패 #2

Since the Yongsan Massacre almost everyone, especially - surprise, surprise - the bourgeois media, in S.K.(*) is blaming the people/activists who were/are resisting the "redevelopment projects". And frequently the resistance became/becomes militant (occupying and fortifying buildings, hurling stones, bricks and molotov coctails etc.)..

But nobody is asking about the cause why they're becoming militant!

And that's the reason why: For example in Yongsan 4-gu since (at least) last year's fall several so-called "security guards" (i.e. organized gangs of criminals, today's Yonhap called them as "temporary police workers", hired by the construction companies, commissioned with the "redevelopment..") terrorized the entire neighborhood:



..by a swath of destruction (i.e. real TERROR!!) 





..by bloody (voiced and written) Terror! Source of pics: Digital Grotto

용산 용역직원의 횡포 (ChamsesangTV)

폭행·영업방해 다반사... 공권력도 비켜갔던 '철거용역' (OMN)

New video footage.. (Hankyoreh)





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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