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In Exile. Bits... (# 4)


Today my 3rd week in Exile was beginning and now I also finished (nearly) all my “duty” stuff.


First of all I was running around nearly the entire week to get my unemployment money and some other social stuff. THEY BUILD BUILDINGS FOR MILLIONS OF EURO/$, BUT THEY TREAT THE PEOPLE LIKE SHIT&RUBBISH... LIKE EVERYWHERE IN THE F... (haha, there is no other...) CAPITALISM...

Before y’day I saw a poster about a street party on Sat. in our neighbor district. Around five years ago I was the last time there on this kind of party and as I was remembering the stuff was really shit (just a few complete drunken punx, bad music...). But y’day was the 15th anniversary?of the occupation of the first houses there (after the GDR gave up) and the event was much more better as expected... and I was so angry that I had no (video)camera (for to make a contribution for MWTV), but because of the days before ?running around to solve my own problems of existence ?to get my camera was the last problem I had...

So y’day I just was busy to get in contact with people who took pictures or video shots ?so, nothing with enjoying on the event... And there were sooo “beautiful” (I know you all would like it!!) pictures to shot... But hopefully the people I was contacting they will send me some stuff... you’ll see it soon... or not. Wow, and I got a contact with a Korean woman ?actually she’s German, but adopted ?and she want to go soon in the “country of her birth”... and she want to have my help to get some contacts and to learn some basics of the language (!!!???...haha).


Today was the same thing: in my neighborhood was a protest against the governmental crackdown against wall paintings (they call this in German “grafitti”) in the city. But I got in contact with a U.S. team, who made video shots ?just let’s see...


Today also the Anti-War Festival (or what ever) organized by “All Together” finished. Is there someone who joined it and can give me a kind of report/summary? In the last two days I was thinking several times about it, especially (see the present situation in Brazil!!!) their factor in the movement. Later this week (perhaps) I’ll write it more concrete!


Well, I think it is all for today....



I Think There will be no help from other camera/video activists...

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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