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[7.9/10] 2차'희망의 버스'...


Today's (bourgeois) Korea Times 'reported' the following: "Thousands of protestors violently clashed with police during an overnight rally Sunday as they attempted to get into the shipyard of Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction in Busan to support striking workers there..."

But in reality they just wanted to march through the almost deserted streets to reach the area near the shipyard, to end the protest day/night with a CULTURE FESTIVAL... But finally they were attacked by thousands of riot cops (7000 + 4000 'security guards', hired by Hanjin management) using water cannons and tear gas:








More detailed (Korean) info/reports, incl. many pics, you'll get here:
“85호 크레인 길목 막으면 3차·4차 희망버스 또 온다” (VoP)
희망버스, 끝내 김진숙 못 만나고 떠나... (OMN)
2차 희망버스 정리..3차 희망버스로 (C-media)
2차 희망버스 9000여명 “김진숙과 함께하자!” (KCTU)




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