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부산, Anti-APEC 대회, Nov.

It seems that the entire country, I mean S.K., is mobilizing for the APEC summit next month in Busan.




It is good to see that still many people here are thinking very political. Before yesterday friends of mine wrote me about the Anti-APEC festival in Busan. It was held just beside the PIFF tents. Except that the "sound was complete terrible" ("total beschissen", they wrote in German), the idea to show the international audience there that in S.K. not everyone is agreeing with the current economic and political world system is a real good idea. (Wow, the movie about the struggle of migrant workers in S.K. was totally sold out, according to a friend, he was in the audience yesterday and wrote me today) But on the other side I am worrying that this coming demonstration will be just another new chapter in the anti/counter globalization events... without any results for the people who are suffering under the current capitalism, a.k.a. globalization, or some people call it neo-liberalism. First of all we should recognize that the globalization is a duty of capitalism. If we cant abolish the current economic and political system, the capitalism, we must deal with it. By the way, even K. Marx, about 150 years ago wrote that the capital will be forced to bring all the products to the even last corner on this planet, will make profit of everything and everywhere, without any borders. We must work for an alternative globalization, a globalization from below. But it is not enough just to carry pickets with this demands in Mumbai, Seoul or Busan, we must fulfill this demand with life! For example some months ago I got in contact with a activist of the Trade Union in the P.R. China (by the way, even they are a part of the government, they getting more and more radical...). And she agreed that we must create a East Asian Union (EAU) from bellow, before the capitalists are able to realize their own plans of a EAU. But she said, that until now she got no real signs from other activist groups, for example the KCTU... Or another example: we, I mean in S.K. have thousands of migrant workers from China. But just few activists, mainly involved in the struggle of migrant workers, are trying to get in contact with them. If we dont want to try to get in contact with them, dont want to try to create a network with them [sooner or later they will/have (to) go back to China], we lose many good opportunities to create the GLOBALIZATION FROM BELLOW.. and the capital, again, will f... us! These are just some uncompleted thoughts about this subject... I will continue it soon...
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