- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
Last weekend, despite heavy rain - for the fourth time in row - hundreds of activists besieged Ssangyong Motor plant in Pyeongtaek (south of of the S. Korean capital Seoul). For almost 24 hours - from Saturday's early afternoon until Sunday - approx. 1000 workers, unionized in KCTU, and some activists of (student) solidarity groups joined the "4th Weekend of Siege" (a 'mixture' of struggle rallies/demos, culture festival and solidarity night) to support the "Tent of Hope Village" in front of SsangYong Motor company's main gate. Here just some impressions from the 'event':
Related article:
☞ 쌍용차 4차포위의 날...경찰과 충돌 (NewsCham, 2.21)
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