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2012 전국노동자대회(#2)

2012 Nat'l Workers Struggle Rally (#2)

As always on the 2nd weekend in Nov. the "National Workers Rally" - to mark the decades-long struggle of the S. Korean working class for democracy, human and labor rights - took place in Seoul...


사용자 삽입 이미지

Labor unionists march along the Cheonggye Stream towards Seoul Square, as part of a march and gathering to honor the spirit of Chun Tae-il. They started their march at the Chun Tae-il Bridge (seen in the photo’s background), which commemorates the deceased activist who is credited with founding South Korea’s labor movement. Around 10,000 activists(*) from the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions gathered to protest for better working conditions and the regularization of temporary workers. (News1/Hankyoreh, 11.12)


사용자 삽입 이미지

Workers shout slogans during a rally against government's labor policy in front of Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012. About 10,000 members(*) of the KCTU demanded better working condition and the end to companies' use of temporary employees. (Kyunghyang Shinmun, 11.12)   


사용자 삽입 이미지

  The final rally... 

사용자 삽입 이미지

  ...in front of Seoul Stn. (more impressions you can see here!) 


* According to KCTU about 20,000 activists participated. NewsCham and VOP reported 30,000 attendees...


Related reports:

전태일열사정신계승 2012 전국노동자대회 (KCTU, 11.11)
전국노동자대회...서울역 3만여 명 운집 (NewsCham, 11.11)
3만여 노동자 ‘전태일 열사 정신 계승’, 전국노동자대회 개최 (VOP, 11.11)



사용자 삽입 이미지

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