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Kim So-yeon, the nominee for a "Labor Presidency"


사용자 삽입 이미지

Kim So-yeon(42 years old) is a long time labor activist in KCTU's Metal Workers' Union. Although she is running as an independent, she is loosely backed by the New Progressive Party, a leftist party that does not hold a seat in the National Assembly. Kim is best known for her efforts to lead the strike in Kiryoong Electronics, which illegally hired part-time workers to replace full-time works (and their benefits.) The strike intermittently lasted six years until the management finally gave into the union's demands. Kim held two hunger strikes in the process, one for 30 days and one for 94 days.

Kim's campaign promises include abolition of mass layoffs and nighttime shifts, nationalization of the financial system, the termination of the 'Jeju Naval Base' construction, justice for the victims of the so-called 'redevelopment' projects etc...(*)

But although comrade So-yeon is supported by several labor unions, civic/human rights orgainsations and resistance groups - she's (most likely) utterly chanceless...


A lone, independent voice

사용자 삽입 이미지

Independent presidential candidate Kim So-yeon speaks from behind a police cordon outside Samsung’s headquarters in Seoul’s Yeoksam neighborhood on Dec. 5. Kim is a former organizer of temporary workers and a symbol of irregular workers in Korea. On this day, she appeared with supporters and families of Samsung workers who contracted leukemia while working in semiconductor factories. In this photo Kim is addressing the crowd from a barricade after being forced back by police.  (Source: Hankyoreh, 12.8)


* For more about her campaign, please check out: http://nodongcamp.kr


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