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Unrest spread across troubled suburbs around Paris in a eighth night of violence as the cops clashed with angry youths and scores of vehicles were torched in at least twenty towns, according to French officials. Police in riot gear fired rubber bullets at advancing gangs of youths in Aulnay-sous-Bois - one of the worst-hit suburbs - where 15 cars were burned alone Tuesday night, French officials said on Wednesday. Youths lobbed Molotov cocktails at an annex to the town hall and threw stones at the firehouse.

Also yesterday, in the eighth straight night, the cops were not in the position to control the riots all around Paris and now also in other parts of France. According to the German magazine Der Spiegel 420 cars and buses were torched. Police and fire stations, schools and supermarkets were attacked by "well organized" groups of immigrant youths.

French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy recently, short after the outbreak of the riots, called the immigrant youths "scum" and has vowed to "clean out" with "high pressure cleaners" Paris' troubled suburbs. Of course with his words he just "poured oil in the fire" and in the following nights the riots just were increasing, even the bourgeois media said. Riots erupted in an outburst of anger in Clichy-sous-Bois over the "accidental", until nobodz knows exactly, electrocution Oct. 27 of two teenagers who fled a soccer game and hid in a power substation when they saw police enter the area. Youths in the neighborhood suspect that police chased Traore Bouna, 15, and Zyed Benna, 17, to their deaths. Since then riots have swelled into a broader challenge against the French state and its security forces. The violence has exposed deep discontent in neighborhoods where African and Muslim immigrants and their French-born children are trapped by poverty, unemployment, racial discrimination, crime, poor education and housing. Immigrants, mainly from North Africa, and their French-born children often complain of cop's harassment and being refused jobs, housing and other opportunities. Eric, a 22-years-old in Clichy-sous-Bois born in France to Moroccan parents, said the cops target young people with dark skin. He said that he has been unable to find full-time work for two years and that the riots were a demonstration of suburban solidarity, so a TV report. "People are joining together to say we've enough," he said... "The French society is increasing equal, increasing segregated, and increasingly divided along ethnic lines," Manuel Boucher, a sociologist, said in the same report.

This is not Baghdad, its just in the middle of West Europe!

About the background of the riots more detailed you can read this article Emeutes de Clichy-sous-bois les jeunes accusent la police (프랑스 어, 10.30 보고). Explains to the French text: Flics...................cops CRS.....................riot cop units Capa Productions........TV broadcasting on CanalPlus EDF.....................one French electric power company (maybe someone - in fact I know only one person who might know some [???] French - can translate this text in Korean?!!!) Later, because of the difficult subject, a more detailed comment will follow... perhaps..
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