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오늘: 反APEC-STRUGGLE..(final updating)


-농민 투쟁-

Yesterday, the entire day until the evening thousands of unionized farmers protested on Yeouido (Seoul) against the government's decision to increase the quota of rice imports in the coming years. Farmers and large units (10,000?) of the infamous riot cops

(all the frontline combat units were on the spot!) clashed until the early night hours.


Korean articles about it you can read here:


Here there are 5 videos, v. 1, 3 and 4 are about the battles, v. 2 inteviews

and v. 5 about arrests and some final (?) interviews.

Watch it serious - we can learn a lot of it!

Watch the cops throwing stones... Never give them space and time to do that!!

By the way, on all demos like that (...BUSAN!!!) we should

have several mobile (educated) first aid units on the spot...



Source of the pics: Voice of the People


Today's (bourgeois) JoongAng Ilbo is writing this:


100-plus injured in rice rally clash


In a clash between farmers and police during a rally yesterday to protest the opening of the rice market, more than 100 people were injured and three police cars burned. The rally, which started at 1 p.m. at Yeouido, Seoul, was attended by 15,000 members of the Korean Peasant League, Korea Women Peasants Association and six other farmers' associations. Farmers clashed with police as they tried to move to the National Assembly building to conclude the three-hour street rally. Police blocked the road with police cars and sprayed water at the protesters, but some farmers surged forward, wielding wood and steel sticks. During the struggle, more than 100 farmers and police were injured.


More violence is expected in Busan Friday, where farmers' groups plan a rally to coincide with the leaders meetings of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.



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