사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

4 년전에 #6

Yesterday, 4 years ago ? it was Monday ? in the early evening I was meeting with my new Korean friend (...remember the night before...) again. Ha, and she was not alone, she just brought a friend (...) with her. Intersting idea, but pehaps not so clever (...).

She wanted to show me her university and during the tour there she told me beautiful stories about it and her experiences, her being there. Following the sightseeing tour through the univ. she invited me to her most famos tea house in the near neighborhood. Wow, she brought just for me, she said, a very special tea ? chrysanthemum tea (hwanghwa-cha ) and the staff in the tea house prepared it for us. Actually a real nice experience it was for me!

Later we took a bus to downtown and just after some stations the friend (...) had obvious enough from us ? the entire time he was just hanging around beside or behind us, without nothing to say, or even to understand ? and just left us alone.

Later my she showed me the King?s Palace (Gyeongbok-gung, she called it the imperial palace...hihi..) and some places she like in downtown Seoul. Wow... and during this short tour she also promised me that when I would come the next time to visit her in S. Korea, she would "speak much better English like now". This night we spent not so long time together because she had to be "at the right time" in her dormitory. And before we left each other, I brought her to a taxi, we made an appointment for the next evening (actually I wanted to invite her for a trip to Incheon, to visit the places in which many scenes of the movie "Take Care of my Cat" were playing, but unfortunately she had to go to the univ.). But on the other side I could promising her, that on the coming evening (actually my last evening/night in S. Korea, before the day later I?d to fly back...) there would be a surprise waiting for her...

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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