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농민투쟁 - 경찰 테러

Yonhap wrote this yesterday:


Police brutality under spotlight after farmer's death

Police brutality at a demonstration against further opening of the South Korean rice market caused the death of a farmer from cerebral hemorrhaging Thursday, an emergency committee established by 59 civic organizations claimed Sunday.

Jeon Yong-cheol, 44, collapsed in front of his house a day after attending the demonstration on Nov. 15. He underwent two brain operations on Nov. 18, but died six days later.

11.15: Riot cops' attack on Yeouido against the farmers demonstration



and in the following articles you can read about it in Korean.



Before yesterday (11.26) a rally in Seoul, near Gwanghwamun, took place to protest against this. About 300 (still I'm waiting for the confirmation) people participated.


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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