- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
Y'day in Taiwan's capital city Taipei: Activists from the S. Korean HYDIS labour union, continuing since more than a week the 3rd "Taipei Protest", and their Chinese supporters were confronted with the Taiwanese state "authority", i.e. they were attacked by the cops(here you'll get a report in Chinese, incl. lots of pics)...
Today's (bourgeois)Taipei Times reported the following: Two workers from South Korea’s Hydis Technologies were arrested yesterday after a demonstration outside the Presidential Office Building in Taipei(here you can watch a video report published by KMWU) to protest against their Taiwanese employers...
For the past 10 days, nearly a dozen South Korean union representatives have camped outside the personal residence of Yuen Foong Yu (YFY) Group chairperson Ho Shou-chuan. On the front steps of Ho’s residence, the workers set up a memorial shrine...
...to former Hydis union leader Bae Jae-hyoung, who committed suicide last month after reportedly receiving legal threats from Hydis management...
Dressed in a black robe, Bae’s widow, Lee Mi-ra...
...carried a portrait of her husband as she marched toward the Presidential Office Building during yesterday’s demonstration. She was accompanied by dozens of Taiwanese labor activists and students, who came to express their support...(the full article you can read here)
But despite the police violence the Korean activists and their supporters vowed to continue their protests outside Ho’s residence until talks with YFY Group take place. “We will not leave Taiwan until we have a meeting with Yuen Foong Yu,” Korean Confederation of Trade Unions regional branch leader Lee Sang-aun said..."
Related articles in Korean you'll get here and here. Updated reports in Chinese you'll get on LabourStart.
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