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12.15 '報告'..

Since the early morning (local time) I was just busy with the present solidarity staff of MTU for to get a better contact (and it's very difficult by 8,000 KM between..., when you don't have a "magic communication...^^"/nearly exactly 4 years ago we, ... and me, had this kind of communication - even sometimes without phone calls, e-mails... just in mind.. NO THIS WAS NOT A CASE FOR MENTAL HOSPITAL, Not AT ALL!) for to improve our efforts.


The last what I did today (CET), I uploaded the latest/only(grrrr~) appeal of KCTU for to support our(MTU's) struggle:



Help MTU have its demands met! Prevent more MTU leaders from being arrested!

On Monday, December 5, 2005, migrant workers from the Migrants' Trade
Union began occupying the offices of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC, actually a part of the government) in protest of a recent decision to uphold the unlawful detention of MTU's president, Anwar Hossain.....


The entire stuff you can read here:





Wow~ today (CET) the next article on the ETU-MB home page got 1,000 readers - and actually the article is a kind of strange... the writer (...^^) got a lot of problems after publishing...

But anyway..., once again: 


And here you can read the stuff:





香港: 反WTO


It seems that our street fighters took a rest - actually not really, but at least there were no clashes with the cops reported...



More about it here:


and here:











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