사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

香港: 反WTO...

During I had to repair many of my last articles in S. Korean web sites (...) I found this really nice...





Hi~ All of our comrades in South Korea!
How do you do about struggle in Korea?
We're very exciting and happy in HongKong!

Most of HongKong people have no experience like Korea people.
Like hogh demonstration or march. So they look us little wired or
scared. Also HongKong media and newspaper broadcast 'our action is
very danger.'

But because of that, so many HongKong people see our march and
demonstration and take a lot of photo! Some people cheer to us!


HongKong police is very soft and nice. Also they are very scared.
They don't know how to react our march or action.
So we trying to go convention center(place the WTO), they are very
confused and hard stop our march.
But they use pepper spray like 'CHOI-RU-TAN'.
If that spray powder contact our skin, very hot. especially eyes~
can't open eyes few minute. So we prepare water and cooking hoil
to protect our eyes.
But except that spray, situation is fine and easy than Korea.


We do so many interview and meet student of HongKong from many
university. and finally we are on TV news five to seven time!

And today, Our interview and photo is on newspaper.
That newspaper is second huge newspaper in HongKong!!!
"Apple Daily"


HongKong is very bad place to use internet.
To use internet 1 hour, we pay 18 dollars. T_T


HongKong people is very interest about our song, dance, slogan.
So some of students learn simple dance with us.



"HongKong police is very soft and nice.."
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

  • 제목
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    블로그 이미지
  • 설명
    자본주의 박살내자!
  • 소유자
    no chr.!

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