- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
Y'day(9.8) afternoon in central Seoul: Choi Jeong-myeong and Han Gyu-hyeop, in-house subcontractor workers at Kia Motors, ended their 363-day-long sit-in struggle(on a billboard atop the roof of the 13-story old National Human Rights Commission building, next to Seoul's City Hall)...
...after being persuaded to carry on the fight “on the ground” by their comrades worried about the protest‘s effects on their health... But Choi and Han weren’t given the chance to continue their struggle(on the ground) after coming down. Because... Seoul’s Namdaemun Police Station had issued arrest warrants for both of them...
...on charges of "violating the Punishment of Violences Act". Neither had the opportunity to say a word to the family members and colleagues awaiting them with bouquets at the tower’s base before they were taken in and transported to Seoul Metropolitan Dongbu Hospital. A tense scuffle broke out...
...in the process between police and members of the Korean Metal Workers’ Union...(source: Hankyoreh, 6.9.)
Related reports in Korean, incl. some short videos, you'll get on LabourStart...
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