- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
Y'day(11.19) in central Seoul and many other parts across S. Korea: Hundreds of thousands of citizens took to the streets to call for President Park Geun-hye's resignation in the latest rally underscoring public anger over the corruption and influence-peddling scandal involving her confidante...(Yonhap, 11.19)
Detailed reports in English you'll get here(by Hankyoreh), here(by K. Times, incl. video report) and here(by JoongAng Ilbo). Here you'll get KCTU's photo report, depicting yesterday's struggle rallies in Seoul and across S. Korea...
Related articles:
☞ Entertainers join anti-president protests (K. Times, 11.20, incl. videos)
☞ Demonstrations turn whimsical (Korea Herald, 11.20)
☞ Teens express anger in anti-Park rallies (Korea Herald, 11.20)
☞ Gov't stops officials from watching anti-president rally (K. Times, 11.20)
Related reports in Korean, incl. lots of pics. you'll get here:
☞ ‘국민 학익진’ 청와대 포위 완료 “박근혜 당장 내려와라” (민중의소리, 11.20)
☞ 전국 촛불 100만 육박 '박근혜 버티기'에 횃불로 번져 (OMN, 11.20)
☞ 전국 100만…촛불은 끝까지 타오른다 (한겨레, 11.20)
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