- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
Last Saturday(3.25) afternoon until the late evening(KST): The 21st candlelight rally, organized by the People's Emergency Committee for Forcing the Park Geun-hye Regime to Step Down, took place @Gwanhwamun(in central Seoul)...
Once again about 100,000 people demanded PGH's instant detention(*), a comprehensive probe into the truth behind the Sewol ferry disaster and ousting of (PM/"acting"president)Hwang Kyo-ahn(here you'll get KCTU's report, incl. lots of pics)...
Another main topic of the rally: "Let's fight together against the THAAD deployment in S. Korea!!"...
* Related article(^^):
☞ Arrest warrant sought for ousted Park (K. Herald, 3.27)
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