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反민주노총.. #1

From am8:00 KCTU radio until(at least) am8:30 was broadcasting nationalist stuff(about 'uri minjok'/우리 민족...and so on..). I was complete shocked..


Just yesterday KCNA "reported": 'A New Year gathering was reportedly held in Seoul on Jan. 6 under the sponsorship of the Reunification Solidarity for the Implementation of the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and Peace of the Korean Peninsula in south Korea. Han Sang Ryol, permanent chairman of the Reunification Solidarity, Jon Jae Hwan, chairman of the Emergency Measure Committee of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions ...at the gathering referred to the fact that the might of united workers, peasants and youths and students was demonstrated in the struggle to build a new life and a new system last year..' 

Actually I couldn't believe this "report"... But now...




More about it later...

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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