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[6.24] 평화/反THAAD대회

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Y'day afternoon in central Seoul: Around 4,000 people participated in the first anti-U.S. rally under Moon's presidency. It was also the largest protest since South Korea and the United States agreed to deploy the system, known as the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)...

사용자 삽입 이미지


Protesters marched with placards that read: "Trump, stop forcing (South Korea) to deploy THAAD" and "No THAAD, No Trump." The crowd included residents from the southeastern county of Seongju where the system is being deployed...(source: K. Times/here you'll get an more detailed report, incl. some background info/KCTU's (Korean)report, incl. lots of pics you'l get here)


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