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[3.20] 大韓民國노동NEWS

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As the world faces one of the worst public health crises in recent history, South Korea’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak is widely praised as a model for other affected countries to follow, and the care employees represented by UNI affiliate Korea Health and Medical Workers Union (KHMU) are at the center of the country’s effective response to contain the virus.

The decreasing rate of new infections, low mortality, and the strong, united response of Korean healthcare workers has buoyed support for workers, and the union is drawing on this newfound support to demand necessary reforms to the country’s care system in the lead-up to the April 15 General Elections. National Infection Prevention Hospitals, a National Graduate School for Public Healthcare, and an more staff in public hospitals are part of a list of demands to improve care in South Korea.

“Korean healthcare workers are showing the world how to work together to stop COVID-19,” said Christy Hoffman UNI Global Union General Secretary. “Diligent, highly-trained, and protected workers serving a robust healthcare system are essential for any functioning society. If we are learning one thing during this emergency is that government and employers must do what’s necessary to put people first in every policy against the virus.”...
(source: UNInews, 3.18/more you can read here)


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