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팔레스티나, 3.14




The Guardian, UK, reported following story on 3.14


Israel captures jailed Palestinian militant 


Palestinian militants held in a Jericho prison surrendered tonight after a raid by Israeli troops that sparked widespread unrest and kidnappings of westerners in Gaza and the West Bank.

Those who surrendered included the main target of the raid - Ahmed Saadat, the head of the radical Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - who was being held in the West Bank for ordering the assassination of an Israeli minister.

The surrender came after a gun battle in which at least three people were killed. Dozens of Palestinian police officers have also surrendered to Israeli forces.

Earlier nine foreign nationals, including a US citizen, three Europeans and two Australians, were seized in apparent retaliation. Western banks were attacked in Gaza city, and the British Council offices set alight.

The attacks appeared to have been sparked by the withdrawal this morning of British human rights monitors from the Jericho jail, a move which preceded the Israeli raid by around half an hour.

Israeli troops entered the jail demanding the surrender of six prisoners wanted by Israel, five of them in connection with the assassination of the country's tourism minister, Rehavam Zeevi, four years ago. A gun battle ensued in which two Palestinian guards and a prisoner were killed.

By mid-afternoon, more than 150 prisoners and guards had surrendered, but around 30 prisoners were thought to remain inside. They had said they would rather die than surrender.

The events triggered a wave of violence and kidnapping in Gaza city. Two French women working for Médecins du Monde were taken hostage, a French foreign ministry spokesman said.

Gunmen kidnapped two Australian teachers employed at a US school in the city, security officials said, and a Korean national and a Swiss Red Cross worker were also reported to have been taken hostage.

Gunmen stormed the Gaza city offices of the German television network ARD, a Palestinian journalist working for the network said. University officials in the West Bank town of Jenin said a US teacher had been taken hostage. He was later released.

Foreigners from at least four countries took refuge at the Palestinian security headquarters in Gaza City.

In Jericho, tank shells were fired at the prison and bulldozers tore down some of the building's walls. Children threw stones at the Israeli soldiers and burning tyres were put in the roads.

Troops were later heard calling for all the prisoners and guards to come out. Dozens of inmates and guards emerged and were ordered to strip to their underwear, but the wanted men did not appear to be among them.

The raid on the jail was the most high-profile Israeli incursion into a Palestinian town in months and came just two weeks ahead of Israel's national elections.

British and US observers had been monitoring the prison since 2002, charged with ensuring that the treatment of inmates conformed to internationally accepted human rights standards, a Foreign Office spokesman said.

"The three British monitors were withdrawn around 0730 GMT today," the spokesman said.

"We decided we were no longer able to ensure their safety. On March 8, we wrote to [the Palestinian president Mahmoud] Abbas and pointed this out, and that unless the situation improved we would withdraw them."

The foreign secretary, Jack Straw, told the Commons this afternoon that the British and US governments had been aware the Israelis might try to take control of the prison, and that demonstrations in Gaza City were possible.

He also said British Council staff had been withdrawn in case of demonstrations in Gaza City, and that all monitors and staff were safe.

Shortly after the raid began, some 300 demonstrators, including dozens of gunmen, marched on the British Council building in Gaza City. After a brief battle with the gunmen, police protecting the building left, and the building and the cars of people who worked there were set alight.

Gunmen also broke into the European commission building and stormed the offices of Amideast, a private organisation that provides English classes and testing services.

"We don't want to see any Americans here," one of the gunmen shouted when Palestinian police approached the Amideast office.

The Foreign Office warned British nationals to stay away from the West Bank. Britons are already advised against travelling to Gaza.

Sir David Green, director general of the British Council, said the building had been "very badly damaged".

"Mid-morning Gaza time a group of masked gunmen came into the building and started firing shots in our information centre," he told the BBC. "We called military operations and within three minutes a large group from the presidential guard arrived to take charge of the situation and, in fact, get the situation under control."

Among the six targets of the prison raid was Ahmed Saadat, head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a radical PLO faction. Saadat was elected to the Palestinian legislature in January.

Palestinians condemned the prison raid as a campaign stunt for the coming Israeli elections, and Mr Abbas blamed the US and British governments for it.

"President Abbas strongly condemns this Israeli attack and holds the American and British sides fully responsible for any harm that befalls Saadat and his colleagues," the Palestinian leader's office said.

In addition, to the five PFLP prisoners, Israel was also demanding the surrender of Fuad Shobaki, the alleged planner of an illegal weapons shipment to the Palestinian Authority several years ago.

· Israel's acting prime minister, Ehud Olmert, today told residents of one of the largest West Bank settlements that their town would eventually become part of Israel. He told a campaign rally in Ariel that the settlement would be within his planned permanent borders for Israel.




Ynet, Israel, wrote 3.14


Jericho Drama ends: Six murderers of former Tourism Minister Zeevi turn themselves in after nine-hour IDF siege; troops surrounded jail earlier Tuesday, three Palestinians killed in operation


Prison siege over: Popular Front Secretary General Ahmad Saadat and five other terrorists involved in the murder of former Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi turned themselves in Tuesday evening following a nine-hour IDF siege.


Saadat and his men left the prison with their hands up and were handed over to IDF soldiers along with other detainees.


According to Palestinian reports, the prisoners surrendered as part of an international agreement whose details are unknown at this time.


In a briefing with reporters following the operation, IDF Central Command Head Yair Naveh said that once prisoners realized "our determination is indeed absolute and we're going through with this, they came out, and I'm glad (it happened) with a minimum number of casualties."


There was no coordination between Israel, Britain and the United States for the capture of the terrorists, Naveh told reporters. “We’ve been preparing for weeks, since the Palestinians said hey planned to release Saadat, so we were on high alert. The British sent a letter to the PA a few weeks ago addressing the matter. As soon as we saw (the British and Americans) left, we went in,” he said.


'Terror wave possible'


Responding to a question about the possibility of a terror wave in response to the Jericho operation, Naveh said: "We may experience a certain wave. I hope the fact we ended this incident with minimal casualties will end the wave."


"We're talking about the detainment of murderers, as we do every night in Nablus, Hebron, and Ramallah," the IDF official added. "In this regard there's no difference."


The IDF said Tuesday evening that about 60 prisoners remained in the prison, more than originally believed, including the murderers of Zeevi, whose impending release prompted the IDF operation. The army said 202 detainees left the prison voluntarily and 76 of them were released following an interrogation after it turned out they were not terror activists. 


Earlier, senior IDF officials, including Army Chief Dan Halutz, met to discuss the possibility of storming the Jericho prison where the top detainees were barricaded.


Several structures around the prison have been razed by army bulldozers and parts of the outer wall surrounding the compound have been knocked down. As a result, the army was carefully considering whether storming the prison would be the right move in light of the structure's dilapidated state.


Army officers were concerned the prison building could collapse in the event of a raid. The six Zeevi killers did not respond to army calls to surrender and were apparently huddled together at one of the prison's corners, before finally turning themselves in.


Abbas: We'll keep detainees in jail


After launching a large-scale operation at the Jericho prison in the West Bank Tuesday morning, IDF troops continued to surround the site throughout the afternoon, demanding the surrender of Secretary General of the PFLP Ahmad Saadat as well as other top fugitives involved in the murder of Zeevi.


At one point, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas pledged that top prisoners will remain jailed in Jericho as long as Israel withdraws from the prison compound. In talks with Knesset Members Yossi Beilin and Ahmed Tibi, Abbas called on Israel to move out of the prison in order to prevent more bloodshed, in return for an "unequivocal promise that the group of prisoners found under international monitoring will remain in jail under Palestinian supervision, even if foreign prison guards do not return."


Abbas also promised to arrange a new agreement for foreign supervision of the prisoners. Following the talk, Beilin called on Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to immediately comply with Abbas' request "in order not to waste precious time and human lives."


'Surrender or die'


Troops took over the prison compound in an operation involving the use of shells, machine guns, and gun fire. Two Palestinians were killed in early stages of the operation and several prisoners were hurt. Another wounded Palestinian later succumbed to his wounds at a Jerusalem hospital, the army said. Meanwhile, an IDF chopper fired a missile at protesters near the jail. No injuries were reported in the missile strike. 


A senior officer at the site said earlier there is no dialogue between the troops and prisoners still barricaded at the compound.


"We are not engaged in negotiations with those in the prison. Either they get out or they die," the officer said.



Hamas warns Israel


In the early afternoon hours, IDF bulldozers razed another one of the walls surrounding the Mukata compound in order to pressure the fugitives to turn themselves in.


While troops surrounded the prison, Saadat found time to hold a chat with Hamas political leader Khaled Mashaal in a live broadcast on al-Jazeera. 


Mashaal opened the conversation saying, “This is a crime against the Palestinian people. International observers that have imprisoned Palestinian fighters – including Ahmad Saadat - in recent years, escaped at this moment of truth. We condemn Israel for this crime, charge them with full responsibility and warn them not to wound the fighters Ahmad Saadat, Fuad Shubaki or any of the other prisoners.”


While periodic gunfire and chaos could be heard in the background, Mashaal addressed Saadat personally: “I send my regards to my brother-in-arms. Hamas has promised, from the moment it was charged with establishing the government, to work for Saadat’s release and the release of other prisoners in the Jericho prison. I am calling on my brother to be patient and trust in god. A strong people – in the territories and outside of them – is behind you."


"The strength of our people will not let the Zionists commit this crime. There will be a great Palestinian and Arab response to this act. When I heard about this, I called Mahmoud Abbas and we started contacting allies in the Arab and international communities to apply pressures to stop this Israeli crime.”


After listening to Mashaal’s message, Saadat responded emotionally, “I bless the words of brother Khaled Mashaal. I am always proud of his brave positions, which support the resistance and I thank him for his encouraging message. This attack is just one of the many that our people suffer every day. Our nation has struggled with the occupation for dozens of years. We, as fighters, are fighting the occupation.”


Mashaal used the opportunity to call on “the masses to assemble in front of the Jericho prison.” In addition, he requested the international community to interfere, and specifically addressed Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom he met in recent weeks. When he was asked how the Hamas would respond if Saadat were killed by the IDF, he said, “The resistance is legitimate whether he is killed or not.” 



More here

PA: 17 foreign nationals kidnapped  



The Israeli so called left liberal Haaretz wrote about the same issue here

Jail siege ends as Sa'adat, five others surrender



Al Jazeera reported following

Israel captures jailed Palestinians






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