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2006 독일월드컵 #6

First impressions.. about this f.. ugly event


Now since three days the streets of Germany are full with SCHWARZ-ROT-GOLD, black, red, gold - the "national" colors of Germany. Especially the mainstream press such as BILD, DIE WELT, BZ... are complete happy about the new "patriotic movement" in Germany.




You should imagine that in West Germany and especially in West Berlin until the "unification" of Germany in 1990 to carry around or even to show the German flag was just a "previleg" for the nationalist, right wing, fascist scene. Except in front of some public official buildings(by the govt, etc..) nowhere you were able to see this shit.


[In East Germany, the former German Democratic(^^) Republic, it was different: especially on official public, nationally holidays, such as Mayday or the Republic's birthday(Oct. 7) it was a kind of duty for everyone to hang the national flag - the same color(black, red, gold) like today, just added in the middle with hammer, circle and ears of grain - in front of the window. At least until I was living there(1984). (Ha, once - I think it was in 1983 - we created our own flag, just red with golden hammer an sickle in the middle and we were putting it on our balcony.. and just few hours later the cops were coming and arrested us...). So to show the national flag in the east was not uncommon..]


But nowadays.. everywhere you are forced to see this shit: one care - two flags, two windows - four flags...




In about two hours local time(CET) the team of Mexico will meet the team of Iran in Nuernberg.

Right now, since 3 p.m. in the same city a demonstration is taking place to protest the presence of the Iranian Vice President Mohammed Aliabadi, who wants to support the Iranian team. The organizers and supporters of the demonstration are people from the (extreme) right - such as the Interior Minister of Bavaria Beckstein, who would like to deport nearly all "foreigners", especially asylum seekers - to the chief of the party Die Gruenen(the greens) C. Roth and so-called "anti-german communists"(who are strongly supporting the state of Israel)...


Well, here you can read their call and list of supporters for the demo:


No hospitality for agitators and warmongers!
Solidarity with Israel – against Ahmadinejad and his German neo-Nazi friends

Despite international protests the Iranian football team was permitted to participate in the World Cup 2006, because the international football association FIFA supposedly wished to keep out politics. At the latest, by the time it was announced that the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmud Ahmadinedjad, might come to Germany to watch the matches of his team, the statements of the FIFA became empty phrases.

Sport was never free of politics. World championships and Olympic Games always served also as a political stage, not least in 1936 in Nazi-Germany. However, instead of showing Ahmadinedjad the red card, German Minister of Interior, Wolfgang Schäuble, announced: “We should be good hosts”. Contrary to this announcement, the signatories of this appeal demand a clear sending-off:

· No hospitality and no entrance ticket for an agitator, who has repeatedly denied the Holocaust, wants to wipe Israel from the map, calls for the extermination of Jews, finances terror, works on building up nuclear threat und threatens and mocks the whole civilized Western world.

· No hospitality for a man who – together with the regime of mullahs – is responsible for human rights violations, violence, oppression, and for the poverty of the population in Iran.

· We express our solidarity with Iranians, who suffer because of the regime or who have had to escape into exile.

· We demand a refusal of entry for Ahmadinedjad and criminal proceedings against him because of incitement of the people and denial of National Socialist crimes.

· We demand that solidarity rallies planned by neo-Nazis for Ahmadinedjad and his regime, will be stopped.

Germany should support the democratic opposition in Iran and in other countries of the Middle East and should work towards a change in these countries. Germany should be less concerned about being a good host for somebody who openly calls for the murder of Jews. Instead Germany should take care that Ahmadinedjad will not get a platform here, but will be sanctioned internationally and will get to know his limitations.

Already at the beginning of this year, these points were demanded by the late president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Paul Spiegel, of blessed memory, when he called for demonstrations against the anti-Israeli incitement campaign of the Iranian president. We want to follow this call under the motto “NIE WIEDER! NEVER AGAIN!” We want to set a clear example and we want to show on a huge scale that this preacher of hate is not only not welcome, but that he and his accomplices must be stopped.

There will be protests against the Iranian regime on June, 11th at 3 p.m. at the Jacobsplatz (downtown) in Nuremberg..

This call for protest is supported, among others, by the following individuals and organizations:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Arno Lustiger, Ralph Giordano, Dr. Michel Friedman, Dr. Wahied Wahdat-Hagh (Iran-Experte - MEMRI), Efraim Zuroff (Simon Wiesenthal Center, Jerusalem), Henryk M. Broder, Prof. Dr. Micha Brumlik, Cem Özdemir (MdEP), Dr. Hans-Peter Raddatz (Orientalist), RA Albert Meyer, Nasrin Amirsedghi (Publizistin), Bärbel Bohley (Malerin u. Bürgerrechtlerin), Prof. Dr. Michael Wolffsohn, Dr. Daniel Pipes (Middle East Forum), Lutz Sikorski (Fraktionsvorsitzender der Grünen, Frankfurt), Jutta Ebeling (Stadträtin, Frankfurt), Pfn. Annemarie Werner (Vaterunserkirche), Tobias Jaecker (Journalist), Dr. Gudrun Eussner (Journalistin), Morten Friese (Journalist), Seyran Ates (Rechtsanwältin), Hannes Stein (Journalist), Dr. Matthias Küntzel (Publizist), Stadtrat Lothar Klein (ehem. MdEP, Vorsitzender Sächsische Israelfreunde e. V.), Frankfurter Arbeitsgemeinschaft der DIG, Harald Eckert (Israel Heute - Christen an der Seite Israels e.V.), Dr. Jürgen Bühler (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem), Anetta Kahane (Amadeu Antonio Stiftung), Ghodsi Hejazi, Klaus Faber (Staatssekretär a.D., RA,), Dr. Ruth Contreras (Scholars for Peace in the Middle East), Sacha Stawski, Daniel Hofmann, Gitta Mohrdieck - Honestly Concerned e. V., Rene Pollak - Vors. Zionistische Organisation Frankfurt, Martin Borowsky (Synodaler der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Vorsitzender DIG, AG Erfurt), Johannes Barth (Vorsitzender DIG Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Neckar), Prof. Dr. Andrei S. Markovits (University of Michigan), Dr. Hermann Kuhn (Vorsitzender Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft AG Bremen), Katharina Seewald (DGB Regionsvorsitzende Kassel), Dr. Klaus Thörner (Publizist), Prof. Dr. Heinz Gess (Fachhochschule Bielefeld), Jörg Fischer (Journalist u. Autor), Nea Weißberg-Bob (Autorin, Verlegerin), Chana Steinwurz (Standpunkte-Pädagogin), Dr. Martin Kloke (Politikwissenschaftler), Wolfgang M. Nossen (Jüdische Landesgemeinde, Erfurt), Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken (Wadi e. V.), Alternatives Jugendzentrum e. V. (Dessau), Jörg Rensmann (Redaktion typoskript), Steffen Andersch (Projekt gegenPart, Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Antisemitismus, Dessau), Bernd Fechler (Jugendbegegnungsstätte Anne Frank), Margitta Neuwald-Golling (VP European Council of WIZO Federations), Iva Svarcová (Filmregisseurin u. Produzentin), Ruth Sophia Nitz-Berthold (Rechtsanwältin), Jüdische Gemeinde Hamburg, Gesellschaft für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit e.V. (Essen), ILI - I Like Israel e.V., Israelitische Kultusgemeinde München u. Oberbayern, IKG Nürnberg, B’nai B’rith München, DIG München, AmEchad n.r.V., Jüdischer Turn- u. Sportverein Makkabi, Zionistische Organisation in Deutschland (Z.O.D.), Frankfurt Loge B’nai B’rith, Wizo Deutschland e. V., Evangelische Marienschwestenschaft, Israelfreunde Hannover, Jüdischer Jugend- u. Studentenverband Hessen, Förderverein Ehemalige Synagoge in Hemsbach e.V., Freundeskreis Weinheim - Ramat Gan e. V., haGalil e. V., Prozionistische Linke Frankfurt, Redaktion Bahamas, Keren Hayesod Deutschland Vereinigte Israel Aktion e. V., DIG Aachen e. V., German Media Watch, Adass Israel Nürnberg, DIG AG Franken, Bündnis gegen Antisemitismus Leipzig, and approx. 4.000 other Jewish and non-Jewish organizations and petition-signatories (which can be viewed at
http://www.honestly-concerned.org ).


A report about the rally you can read here(Ynet/Yedioth Ahronoth):


World Cup: Jews demonstrate against Iran regime


Some 1500 Jews, supporters demonstrate in Nuremberg against Iranian regime ahead of country’s World Cup soccer match against Mexico. Bavarian Internal Minister: ‘Ahmadinejad a criminal’..







Last but not least it was reported since today morning that for example Berlin-Friedrichshain, usually a city district, where more people are hanging around who are against fascism and rarcism, is more and more "visited" by aggressive acting people, who are possibly very close the the extreme right wing(fascist/racist) scene.


On 6.10 the magazine Der Spiegel published following experience by a German football fan who was later attacked by east germans(racists, fascists or what ever..). The text is just in German. If I will have some time.. I'll try to make a summary about it.






All together: it's just f.. GERMAN INSANITY!!

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