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反G8 (독일) #2

While parts of the German ruling class and their collaborators, aka the state, are "welcome" the protests against the G8-summit - for example the minister of interior W. Schäuble (actually he's one of the most conservative hard-liners in the gov't!! More about it later..) the German police yesterday performed in Hamburg their first "public training"(^^) likely(??) under the motto

'Provoke and Smash the Anti-G8 Protest/Movement'

Yesterday (5.28) at least 6,000 activists gathered on the streets of Hamburg to protest against the 7th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and the comming G8-summit. There was a massive police presence and the entire march was surrounded by several riot police lines.

The procession was repeatedly stopped and provoked by the cops, while snatch squads and other units tried permanently to penetrate the demo. Water cannons, pepper spray, kicks and punches were used repeatedly. So the organisers eventually decided to call the demonstration off and participants then dispersed in small groups. A large part of the demonstration, however, was 'kettled' by police while other were 'hunted down' as they headed back to a social center. At least 86 people were arrested, some still detained.  

Please read/see also following:

We declare war on the leaders of the world... (GipfelSoli, anti-G8solidarity)

ASEM-G8 Protest in Hamburg



Violence in Hamburg Streets.. (Der Spiegel, German bourgeois magazine)

ASEM-G8 Protest in Hamburg - pictures



Related articles:

G8: On German media coverage (indymedia Germany)

A Protest Culture Attempts to Reawaken Itself (Der Spiegel)


Related stuff in SK (南朝鮮^^):

Anti G8 첫번째 회의록 (seoulidarity)


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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