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11.11 국가 테러

Tens of thousands (Tongil News reported 45,000, the mainstream media around 20,000/but the organizers expected between 100,000 and 200,000.. "at least") of South Korean workers, farmers, students, anti-war and civil right activists defended today their right to demonstrate on the occasion of the traditional/annually "Nat'l Workers Rally" (western media, such as Reuters and AP, mis-interpreted the demonstration as just an anti-FTA protest..) and clashed - actually were forced to clash - with thousands of riot cops in downtown Seoul.

All streets leading to City Hall Plaza were complete blocked by at least 600 police buses. Almost 25,000 riot cops on the spot used water cannons, botons, shields and fire extinguishers to attack and stop the protesters.

At one location, riot cops beat male and female workers and college students with batons, forcing protesters to the ground and then kicking several of them into submission before dragging them away, one witness said..

According to KCTU at least 125 protesters were arrested. More than 100 demonstrators were injured by the riot cops' excessive violence.

For Dec. 1 the protesters vowed a new, massive demonstration: "We'll fight back! The forces of the people's power will change the world!" (whatever it means..^^)

Police, Protesters Clash Causing Traffic Chaos (Korea Times)

About 25,000 laborers and farmers protesting against major government policies clashed with riot police in central Seoul Sunday, causing traffic jams.

On their way to Seoul City Hall plaza, the members of the Korean Alliance of Progressive Movements and the Korean Confederation of Trade Union (KCTU) came across riot police barricading the street. The protestors were calling for the abolishment of temporary worker status, and demonstrating their opposition to the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement (FTA) and the extension of Korean soldiers' deployment in Iraq.

Buses and large vehicles carrying demonstrators from other regions to Seoul were also blocked by police, who set up checkpoints on highways from the early morning.

In the afternoon, the streets were filled with policemen attempting to control the crowd of protestors trying to make it beyond the barricades. About 25,000 protestors marched to Gwanghwamun, dodging a total of 23,000 policemen, while those who did not make it to Seoul protested in their own way.

Hundreds of demonstrators blocked a lane on the Seohaean Expressway to protest police blockade.

A farmer from Haman, South Gyeongsang Province, tried to set himself on fire in the middle of the Gyeongbu Expressway when police tried to stop him and his compatriots from going to Seoul.

The police action came after the government vowed it would take stern measures against illegal collective action. On Friday, four ministries - justice, labor, construction and transportation, and government administration and home affairs - warned against the rally. They said the police ordered the KCTU not to hold the rally as it would create heavy traffic jams. It later defined the event as an illegal one.

However, the laborers said the right to perform collective action was guaranteed by the constitution and they would not stop. They also said banning it was an infringement of human rights. `` We are gathering to seek for our own rights and what the government is doing is unacceptable. Is this a democracy?'' a farmer from Busan said.

Police blocked nearly all the roads to city hall causing inconvenience to pedestrians. They complained that the police action caused more noise and traffic chaos.


For more please see/read also:

S.Korean protesters clash with riot police (Reuters, slide show)

Massive demonstration causes confrontation.. (Hankyoreh, 11.12)

Police, protesters battle in streets.. (JoongAng Ilbo, conservative daily, 11.12)

How Much Longer Must We Put Up with Such Violence? (Chosun Ilbo.. ^^)



Source: AP

Related reports (in Korean):

‘11.11 범국민행동의 날’.. (Tongil News, incl. pics)

경찰 "총으로 다 쏴죽이겠다" 협박 (KCTU)

전국 8만 여명 참가...민중총궐기 "승리했다" (VoP, incl. several video docus)

노무현 정부도 '계엄령'을 아는가? (OhmyNews)

범국민 행동의 날.. (Chamsesang News, incl. pics)

아찔했던 경찰헬기 저공비행 (OhmyNews..)

경찰버스 오르는 노동자-농민에 소화기, 물대포 난사 (..TV)

2007.11.11. 범민중총궐기대회 광화문 행진 (Chamsesang..)

집회 불허 뚫고 시청 앞 전차로 점거 (..TV)

20071111 -- 범국민대회 (땅의 사람, pictures)



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